District Councillor Howell addressed the meeting. He apologised for missing the last few meetings. He asked if there were any developments regarding the Bluebell Public House. The Chair updated him with the information that there was interest being shown by potential landlords.
The completion of the footway project could go ahead now that the last legal difficulties had been resolved. The time frame was uncertain but it would definitely be finished before the end of the financial year otherwise funding could be lost.
Harvey Way hedge was now on the Highway Rangers work schedule and should be done within a month. He explained one of the delays had been caused by the fact that scheduling of their work is done centrally by Essex Highways.
A start had been made on the derelict site opposite the Tesco store in Saffron Walden. There would be blocks of nursing home accommodation and housing.
The district housing plan was being revised and villages with some amenities such as Radwinter would have to take their share of housing allocation. Hempstead was not directly under consideration due to its size and lack of amenities. He was thanked by the chairman and left the meeting.
The Parish Council Meeting opened at 8.15 pm.