were taken as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
None not covered elsewhere.
Details of a Textile Forum at Saffron Walden Museum were circulated
Community Achievement Award Scheme: David Haylock had been nominated by Margaret Grimster. After discussion it was also agreed that the Clerk should look into the possibility of nominating Chris Bampton. The deadline is 17 August
The Clerk had attended a meeting on the Localism Act and supplied information on the Register of Interest forms which the councillors duly completed. Permission was granted for Mr Weedon to complete his form outside the meeting in order to meet the July 30th deadline.
Village Green
A reply was awaited from Lloyd Simpson.
Cheques were signed for :
J. Basham Grass Cutting £300.00
Home start donation £50.00
Campaign for Protection of Rural England Subscription £29.00
Clerk’ Salary The Clerk reported that Clerks’ salaries had not increased since 2009. He was still trying to access information about spinal points and would report back to the next meeting. It was also agreed to pay the clerk for attendance at the Localism Meeting.
Purchase of Speed Monitoring Equipment It was agreed to support the Community Speedwatch initiative by this purchase. The cost would probably about £1000 with VAT reclaimable. It was decided to request that we use the £666 new homes bonus from Uttlesford to part fund this. Not being a budgeted item this would utilise some of the financial reserves. The village had given a clear mandate for addressing the issue of speeding both at the Annual meeting and the subsequent Public Meeting. This purchase would enable for more checks to take place at a variety of times rather than waiting for shared equipment to be available.
(Action point: Clerk to write to Councillor Howells concerning use of New Homes Bonus for Speed Equipment.)
David Drane has continued pursuing the repair of the dangerous landslip at the edge of Anso Road. This has now been some months and the barriers keep getting displaced. It was agreed that he copy in Simon Walsh on future emails. He has also again sent a list of repairs to the Highway Ranger service.
The poor condition of verges left uncut was also discussed. David Haylock was awaiting police approval to carry out some work on verges.
Footway Through Village Correspondence continued between the Chairman and Essex County Council concerning the footway project. A meeting between the Chairman and the Highways deputy, Penny Channer showed some progress and a cheaper option carried out at Ridgewell was discussed. The Chairman had visited this with Richard Crane and was pleased to note that it included a curb. This had been the major source of concern when discussed by the Road Improvement Committee. The fact that there were no land acquisition issues had now also been acknowledged by the county.
Updated costings had been requested from county and it was intended to discuss it at the North West Highways panel in September. The council welcomed the improved dialogue with county, though there are still issues to be worked through, the progress made was welcomed and they applauded Mr McCathy’s effort in doggedly pursuing this matter.
The Roads Improvement Committee had discussed the footway as indicated. Richrad Crane was investigating why Hadstock had weight limits on broadly similar roads to those in Hempstead. Though the B1054 through Hempstead was a ‘priority 2’ road on which, under EU rules, no traffic calming measures were allowed. However it might be that hat would give us some leverage on the footway issue
Fatal Accident at Blagdens This was discussed and it was agreed that the Council would write to the Highways department concerning this dangerous stretch of road. One suggestion was for double central lines to indicate no overtaking on the dangerous blind summit.
Community Speed Watch Nineteen volunteers had now been recruited thanks to Tricia Ridgeway’s leafleting campaign. This meant two training sessions could be carried out and bode well for future effectiveness of the campaign. The parish council expressed their gratitude for Tricia Ridgway’s efforts.
Miss Frost had been in touch with Robin Warburton concerning the lack of effective footpath cutting and he admitted that they could not achieve the same standards that Hempstead had achieved. The work had been taken back because few parishes had reached those standards. The paths would probably be cut in July. No changes could be agreed until meetings in December. It was agreed that it may be useful to involve Councillor Walsh to send a strongly worded letter to Shirley Clayton-Anglin regarding the counties dismal failure to cut the village footpaths.
A newsflash had been put on the website informing of the cancellation of the Horse Show.
A planning officer had contacted the Chairman concerning the site at Anso Corner Farm. This had been put forward to the Draft Plan Consultation as a possible 5/6 house site, but rejected by the district. Now lobbying was taking place to reinstate it. After discussion it was decided that there were better sites in the village and this location did not meet the criteria in the draft plan. It would increase traffic and not contribute to the infrastructure of the village. (Action point: The clerk to reply to the consultation process letting the views of the council be known)
Jubilee Fund Miss Frost and Mr McCarthy had formulated a proposal for a grant towards a patio area to the rear of the Village Hall and Mr Sladen had sent it off to Sue Hayden.
The issue of overnight parking in the village hall car park was discussed and Mr Sladen agreed to put letters on the windscreens of the offending vehicles.