Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 13th December 2007

13th December 2007

The Council met in the Village Hall on Thursday 13 December 2007 at 8pm


Also Present

  • Cllr Simon Walsh County Councillor
  • Cllr Sue Schneider District Councillor


Public Consultation – no members of the public attended


    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    • Drinking Fountain
      Mr Haylock reported that Corrie Newells was still off work ill and, in the interim, is preparing a report of his understanding of her recommendations.– Action DH
    • b) Further to Mr Haylock’s letter of concern regarding the Government’s Planning White Paper, Sir Alan Haselhurst MP had replied to the effect that he was consulting those concerned.

    Sustainable Uttlesford Carbon Neutral Uttlesford Conference – 20 February 2008
    Saffron Walden Museum general letter of thanks for support in the year
    UDC formal adoption statement of Supplementary Planning Document – Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    • North Area Panel
      no meeting since last report
    • Parish Liaison Meeting
      Mr Sladen and Mr Thomas attended the Parish Planning Workshop on 12 December which was dedicated to the current preferred options consultation on the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework. Following their report and considerable discussion, it was decided that Mr Sladen and Mr Thomas would draft a reply stating that the PC’s preference would be Option 2 conditional upon considerable infrastructure additions (such as a further secondary school, enhanced water supply, more car parking etc). – Action JS/AT/DF
    • West Essex Area Forum
      Miss Frost had attended the meeting on 28 November and reported on a number of items. Cllr Hume’s main points included an extra £45m spent on maintenance of A and B roads in 2007 and more money will be sought for 2008 to be spent in areas where people will walk between now and 2011. He stated that the priority issues are congestion, road safety and network maintenance.

    Mr Weedon had contacted Mr Borders (referral from Taylor Brothers) who, having visited the site, had provided at quote of £765 + VAT for supply and erection of replacement posts and chain around the War Memorial and matching fittings around the opposite corner of the Church Hill junction. Quotes had been requested of other suppliers but none had been forthcoming. Mr Weedon was asked to obtain a written quotation and to confirm that all debris will be removed immediately the job is completed. Mr McCarthy proposed that the work be carried out and Miss Frost seconded the motion. – Action AW


    Following discussion the budget for 2007/08 was set and the Precept forms signed accordingly. The Clerk to send these to UDC immediately and arrange for the relevant internal fund transfers. The half yearly internal audit had just been completed and the report will be circulated for discussion at the next meeting. Following receipt of the 2007/08 National Salary Award Mr McCarthy proposed a new hourly rate and expenses payment to take effect from April 2007 – Mr Thomas seconded this. A letter to alter the relevant standing orders and incorporate the backdated element needs to be sent to the Bank. Letters had been received from Uttlesford Community Travel and Support 4 Sight requesting support for their work within the local community. Under S.137 a donation of £50 each was proposed by Mr McCarthy and seconded by Mr Weedon.– Action CD

    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    SLCC 2008 subscription £59.00
    Uttlesford Community Travel Donation £50.00
    Support 4 Sight Donation £50.00
    C Dittrich Clerk’s Expenses £10.00

    Footway Mr McCarthy had a site meeting with Cllr Hume and Cllr Walsh on 8 November. Having walked the route of the proposed footway, Cllr Hume was most sympathetic and agreed we had a substantial case. He would look into various funding routes and report back. The Clerk was asked to send a note to Cllr Walsh to chase this information and obtain the objectives needed by the village to assist in getting this project underway.– Action CD

    Kerbing – at Ring of Trees Mike Felgate (ECC) hoped that this work would be completed tomorrow. (Post meeting note – work completed on 14 December).

    VASI Signs The first sign was up and working by Mill House Cottages – the second was awaited – the Clerk to chase– Action CD

    Speed limit extensions Mr Thomas reported no contact since last meeting. (Post meeting note – receipt from ECC of proposals for comment– the Clerk to reply)– Action CD

    Access to Harvey Way on going.

    Replacement of slipways on Anso Road Mr Thomas reported no contact since last meeting – The Clerk requested to chase reply.– Action CD

    Railings at Church Farm Duck Pond Repair of the posts and railings were to be added to the ‘Planned Parish Visit’ list.– Action CD/SM

    Water leak at bottom of Church Hill Mr Weedon had contacted both Three Valleys and Anglia Water, who both denied responsibility. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways, with copies to both the water companies, to ensure this leak was sorted out quickly as the recent freezing weather was creating very dangerous conditions. (Post meeting note – works commenced on 14 December and completed by 18 December).– Action CD

    David Forkin, West Area Highways Manager, ECC, able to attend the January meeting and has requested a list of items to be discussed – the Clerk will provide list of outstanding items.– Action CD

    Road works on B1054 – notification had been received that the B1054 was to be closed for water main renewal for 6 weeks from the junction with the B1055 to the junction with the B1053. The diverted traffic will travel down Anso Road – the Clerk was asked to request a temporary 40mph speed limit along this road, as has been put in place in the past– Action CD.


    Mr McCarthy asked Ms Phillips to canvass opinion and generally be aware of youth issues. The Clerk was asked to give Ms Phillips copies of the results of the questionnaire researched last year and the Plans and Objectives sheet..– Action CD


    Miss Frost had submitted the payment application to P3 for the 2007 works – no response to date. No information had yet been received on the cutting programme for 2008.

    Mr McCarthy reported that advertising of the realignment scheme was due in January 2008.


    Website/Newsletter next newsletter deadline 20 January


    High Street Flooding Mr Sladen continues to monitor the situation.– Action JS


    UTT/1784/07/FUL & UTT/1785/07/FUL – Field 2527, Erection of Agricultural Store and Stables Refused

    UTT/1926/07/FUL – Quail Cottage alterations to approved replacement dwelling mainly effecting look of building – need to ensure that rural appearance is maintained, eg clay peg roof tiles are in fact second hand, and the building does not result in a “reproduction” look.


    Nothing to report


    Nothing to report

The dates of the next meetings are 9 January 2008, 7 February and 6 March 2008.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm.