Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 13th March 2014

13th March 2014

The Parish Council met in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm.


Part Time:


Before the meeting Councillor Howell addressed the meeting. He updated the council on various planning issues in the district. He announced that the Uttlesford precept had again been reduced. Although the council broadly welcomed this, they also had reservations that this may be at the expense of some valuable services.

On the Village Footway issue there was no news at the moment though it was reported that Councillor Alistair Walters was happy with the progress. The date given for the start of the work was August 2014.

On the issue of speeding in the area of the village it was hoped that the once promised 40mph limits on the periphery of the village could be worked towards. The problem of speeding through the village was acknowledged by the police who attended the Community Speedwatch sessions regularly

Councillor Howell told the meeting that there would again be a grant from the New homes bonus of £666.66 to be spent on a village project. Additionally there would be another round of Community Grants during the coming year.

The chairman thanked Councillor Howell for his attendance and contributions and he left the meeting.

The Parish Council meeting was opened at 8.35 pm.


    held Thursday February 13, 2014 were agreed as a correct record apart from Mr David Haylock wished it to be recorded that he did not hold a stock of sand bags as reported at the last meeting.


    There were none, not covered elsewhere.


    It was noted that planning permission had been agreed with conditions for the shed at Fanes Cottage


    Notices of road closures had been circulated.

    County Councillor Simon Walsh had sent a report indicating that the County Council had agreed to hold the budget at last year’s level for the third time in a row. Additional funds were being committed to Highways and Youth Services. He reported putting in a request regarding the speed limits in our area following a recent bad accident but there was no word on the water seepage at the bottom of Church Hill.


    Pedestrian Footway
    The clerk had contacted Rissa Long to see if there was any further progress, but was just referred back to her February email with no further news. The clerk informed the meeting that the next Local Highways Panel Meeting was on April 7th at 7pm.

    Speed Limits
    The correspondence from Mark Welbourne was noted and he was now in touch with Councillor Simon Walsh.

    Mr. David Drane
    reported that he was still chasing Highway issues and had sent a new list to the Highways Rangers. Some potholes had again been marked out and would hopefully be soon filled. The council congratulated him on his persistence in pursuing this matter as the local roads seemed in better order than most roads in the district and beyond. Other issues such as blocked drains and fallen trees were discussed and a watching brief would be kept.


    Mobile phone masts
    The clerk reported that he had investigated possibilities. EE proved little help. He had contacted an organisation called The Phone Mast Company who were agents for leasing and advertising potential sites to potential providers. They charge a modest annual fee of £25 for liaising with providers on behalf of landlords and a reasonable charge if they secure a site. It was agreed that the chairman and the clerk would liaise in investigating a site to nominate.

    Re-registration Of Village Green
    There was still no further news.

    Trees at Waterloo Cottage
    Now it had been clarified that the land in question had been reported as transferred at the August 2011 parish council meeting. However it had not been registered to the Parish Council. It was agreed that Miss Frost would visit the site with Chas Johnson to assess what needed to be done and how much it would cost. Additionally the clerk would begin the process of registering the land.


    The village notice board had been blown down in the gales on 14th February. A local handyman had agreed to investigate a low cost solution by using metposts. It was agreed to proceed with this provided it was not too expensive.


    Prior to the meeting the clerk had circulated detailed notes on his Salary Calculations. A new monthly standing order for £146.99 was signed to reflect the salary change agreed on November 14th, minute no: 77.

    Cheques agreed and signed

    Martyn LongClerk £317.48. (£200 half year expenses, £66.6 Back Pay to April 2013 re salary increase, Overtime for attending 3 meetings £50.88)

    balance to year end £141.80


    No reply to date had been received from Rob Venables concerning when he might meet with the council.


    Newcomers Packs
    had been distributed by the clerk to tenants at Ruses Farm and High Lea. The Website and Newsletter were still operating successfully.


    Moira Groborz has reported that she had received 63 responses up to the finishing date. Her initial analysis showed that the response rate was well above the county average with 62% supportive of a development 27% against and 11% not responding to that question. 15 respondents indicated a need for alternative accommodation. She hoped that the final analysis would be available for the April Parish Council meeting.


    It had previously agreed to hold this on Friday 30th May at 8pm. The clerk would begin work on the Annual Report and circulate so that it was available for distribution with the April newsletter. Notice would also have to be put on the noticeboard

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays April 10 (Subsequently this was changed to Wednesday 9) Thursdays May 8 and June 5 all at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm