Mr Sean McCarthy was unanimously elected as Chairman.
Members reported no updating was necessary of previously provided information.
held Thursday April 4 2013 were agreed as a correct record.
There were none not covered elsewhere
Anso Corner Farm.
The Chairman had contacted Stuart McNeill re the possibility of a legal challenge to the late inclusion of the site. Mr McNeil was looking into this matter.
Willow Pruning at Pippins, Church Hill
was not deemed to require comment
County Councillor Simon Walshs Report
This had contained the new Essex Cabinet details and had previously been circulated and was noted.
Hempstead Conservation Area
Uttlesford District Council was holding an exhibition on 5th June in the Village Hall. The plan had been circulated but definitive maps were awaited.
Village Green Re-registration
Notices had been displayed on the green asking for comments.
Ash Tree
It was agreed any actions should wait until the Autumn
Motor Bikes
The police had carried out a couple of drive bys to observe this problem and a little improvement had been noticed. The Chairman pointed out that it was up to residents to report incidents on the 101 number as and when they happened.
Community Speedwatch
Tricia Ridgeway had reported that the agreement to use two new locations had been reached. A meeting the previous week of volunteers had attracted a dozen volunteers and there would be increased activity in the coming weeks. The council welcomed the efforts being made particularly by Tricia Ridgeway.
Security Marking Event
This had had some success, though it was felt that the advance publicity could have made it more effective. Also being on a Bank Holiday weekend may have reduced its effectiveness. It was agreed that clerk would contact WPC Griffiths about the possibility of a future repeat event.
The Footway Project
There was no further progress to report
The situation was still varied with some holes being filled and others ignored. Mr Drane was supplying the authorities with a map to clarify the situation. Mr Haylock had arranged for the repair of some holes along Wincelow Hall Road. The roads in the area generally were not considered to be in a good state of repair, although Mr Dranes efforts had borne fruit locally.
Highway Rangers
Mr Drane keeps updating our list of tasks that we would like to see carried out. Miss Frost asked if spraying of the weeds between paving slabs could be added to the list.
The clerk as reported in the pre-meeting discussion had now received a long awaited reply from ECC concerning issues with this road after last year’s fatal accident.
Accounts for Payment
Cheques were signed to J.Basham for village grass-cutting £300 and to Harts for copying of the Annual Report £12.60.
Monthly Standing Orders
For the year were agreed to Brian Kitchen £80 for website maintenance £141.44 for the clerks salary.
Despite Miss Frosts efforts no new contract had been agreed and the time for the first cutting was overdue. Miss Frost would continue in pursuit of this issue.
The monthly newsletter and Annual
report had gone out on time. It was hoped to produce a colour edition of the Newsletter to advertise the Gala Weekend.
Mobile Telephone Reception
The poor reception on these devices was a cause for concern. Many more people relied on iphones and other devices for working from home etc. The service was not up to standard. It was agreed that the council would see what the Essex Broadband Team who were attending the next meeting had to say. Thereafter it may be worthwhile to refresh our dialogues with mobile phone companies and maybe explore more possible sites for masts. It was agreed to keep this item on future agendas
Whilst work done so far was agreed to be a great improvement; further progress was now stalled awaiting further funding.