The Code of Conduct had been circulated to all the councillors together with notes re easement of prejudicial interest in delegated responsibilities. Miss Frost proposed the adoption of the mandatory provision of the Model Code of Conduct set out in the Schedule to the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 together with paragraph 12(2) of the said code. Mr Thomas seconded this with unanimous backing from the rest of the council.
All the councillors were returned unopposed at the elections on 3 May 2007. They each completed an Acceptance of Office form, which will be duly lodged at Uttlesford District Council (UDC).– Action CD
Each of the councillors then completed the Register of Members’ Interests. The Clerk will ensure that these are also duly lodged at UDC.– Action CD
The Council unanimously re-elected Mr McCarthy as Chairman of the Council for 2007/08. Mr McCarthy thanked his fellow Councillors for their continued support.
Following the Plans and Objectives sub-meeting and preparation of the schedule of specific projects the responsibilities of the councillors were decided as follows:
Sean McCarthy |
Police & Neighbourhood Watch Liaison |
Diana Frost |
Newsletter/Website, P3/Footpaths |
David Haylock |
Tree Warden |
Adam Thomas |
Highways |
John Sladen |
Emergency Plan, Village Hall Representative |
Alison Midgley |
Young People |
Alan Weedon |
Airport and Environmental Issues |
The Clerk was asked to put a copy of the Plans and Objectives schedule on the website and the noticeboard.– Action CD
were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.
- Parish Liaison
Mr Sladen had reviewed the Uttlesford website and failed to find information regarding Parish Liaison meetings. He subsequently contacted John Perry (UDC) and was currently awaiting a reply.– Action JS
- North Area Panel (NAP) Meetings
Mr McCarthy had been in email correspondence with John Starr (UDC‘s NAP Champion) regarding the format of the meetings, the lack of the Road Safety Committee, the need to follow long standing initiatives and not new, flighty ideas. The fact that the footway through Hempstead is the number 1 ranked footway in North Essex should be backed wholeheartedly by the NAP, if this panel is to have any worth.
- Drinking Fountain
Mr Haylock reported that he had chased Barbara Bosworth, for advice on the work needed to the drinking fountain, to no avail. He had also contacted Kay Pilsbury, local architect, who had said she would come and look at it imminently.– Action DH
- No 18 Bus Route
Confirmation had been received that this route has been allocated to a new contractor (Stansted Transit) but would still be reviewed in the forthcoming “Uttlesford Re-plan”. The Clerk was asked to ensure that the timetable of the No 18 bus (and any others coming through Hempstead) be available on the Hempstead website.– Action CD
Details of online consultation procedure |
East of England Regional Assembly |
Regional Gypsy & Traveller Public Engagement Event |
CJB Countryside Services |
Clerk to advise of Ambo and advertising rates– Action CD |
The Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to Tricia Ridgeway and Alan Bywaters for the new village hall sign hanging at the end of the drive.– Action CD
agenda and accounts were reviewed and the format of the meeting agreed. The Clerk was asked to bring the schedule from the Post It Note session at the previous annual parish meeting to this one, in case questions were raised. It was anticipated that County Councillor Simon Walsh would be in attendance.– Action CD
The dumping of garden rubbish alongside the path from Wellyards to the High Street had come to light. Mr Weedon had spoken to one of the residents of Wellyards who said that all the Wellyard residents dumped garden rubbish there and had done so for 20 years. However, the current amount of waste is excessive and likely to cause problems in the near future. Mr Weedon to ensure its removal and cessation of future dumping.– Action AW
The public liability insurance is due for renewal in August and the Clerk was asked to obtain comparative quotes from Aon and to approach the broker used by Mr Sladen for the village hall insurance. The oak seating inside the bus shelter had been completed and this needed to be added to the fixed assets at a value of £500.
The following account was approved for payment and a cheque drawn up:
J Basham |
Grass Cutting |
£180.00 |
Miss Frost |
Newsletter Postage/Paint for Church Hill signpost |
£23.53 |
Mr McCarthy |
Chairman’s Allowance |
£26.00 |
C Dittrich |
Copying of Annual Report for Newsletter |
£17.00 |
2007/08 Subscription |
£106.36 |
Davina Millership, West Area Highways Manager had agreed to attend the June meeting. Following discussions at the Plans and Objectives sub-meeting a number of questions had been compiled and sent to her, primarily regarding the footway from The Chase to Harvey Way.
Mr Thomas confirmed that he would chase a reply from Chris Stoneham regarding the VASI signs.– Action AT
Mr McCarthy and Mr Haylock had completed a list for the forthcoming Planned Parish Visit and this had been emailed to West Area Highways department (WAHD). The verge cutting had been started and a good job had been done so far. It was felt that the litter pickers needed to follow immediately behind to increase the impact. WAHD had asked that hot spots for verge cutting be identified and advised to them, so next year these would be given the highest priority. Following discussion a list was compiled which the Clerk would email accordingly.– Action CD
The Clerk would chase Mr Felgate for a reply regarding the gap in the kerbing around the Ring of Trees. (Post meeting – kerbing supplies had been delivered to the triangles at Coach Road and Witchtree Lane, so repair looks imminent.)– Action CD
Carried forward
Mrs Midgley put forward a few suggestions of play equipment (such as a goal post) that needed to be investigated further with regard to maintenance, insurance etc. Miss Frost suggested that the Parish Council should maybe act as a facilitator rather than a provider and proposed an “exhibition” providing information of local groups such as venue, membership, fees, times, contacts etc. This will be considered at a later date.– Action AM
Miss Frost reported that all the footpaths due to be cut under P3 had been completed. To date cutting by the ECC contractor had not commenced despite Mr Nigel Eley’s confirmation of a cutting programme start date of 8 May. Miss Frost to chase.– Action DF
Miss Frost reported that the website needed refreshing and she would endeavour to get contributors into the habit of supplying new information on a regular basis. Miss Frost still awaited an invitation from the PCC to attend their meeting on 6 June.– Action AW
Nothing to report
Mr Sladen reported that the acoustic panels had been installed and the difference was incredible. Further assessment will now be undertaken to establish whether more work needs to be done. Mr McCarthy congratulated Mr Sladen and his team for their hard work.
Nothing to report.
The dates of the next meetings are 19 June, 19 July and 16 August 2007 and the Annual Assembly on 25 May 2007