Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 22nd March 2007

22nd March 2007

The Council met in the Village Hall on Thursday 22 March 2007 at 8.15pm



  • Cllr Sue Schneider
    (Uttlesford District Council)

PS Seymour and PC Tanya Tokarczyk updated the Councillors between 8.35 and 9pm during which time the meeting was adjourned. Mr Jim Rennie (Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator) also attended. PS Seymour once again reiterated the need for all incidents to be logged to enable the police to build a picture of undesirable activity within the parish.


    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    • Community Project Grant
      Following discussion with the grant allocation team at Uttlesford District Council (UDC), Mr Haylock had secured a grant of £1,000 in respect of the realignment of PRoW. The cheque had been received and would be banked immediately. The two invoices from UDC in respect of advertising now need to be paid.– Action CD
    • Quality Parish Council
      Mr McCarthy had spoken at length to someone at NALC and the position regarding clerks who were unlikely to undertake professional qualifications for various reasons and would therefore disqualify a parish council from being a “quality council”. Mr McCarthy will write to the NALC, to open up this discussion, particularly from the viewpoint of smaller councils.– Action SM

    Essex County Council (ECC) Details of Essex Rail Seminar were passed to Mr Sladen
    ERM Details of Health Impact Assessment Workshop
    BAA Letter confirming validity of ERM
    ECC Review of Children’s & Young People’s Plan passed to Mrs Midgley
    UDC Packs of nomination papers – distributed to all current councillors, Clerk to retain remaining supply


    Mrs Midgley had an informal meeting with Gaynor Bradley and Sue Hayden of the Leisure & Community Development Team, UDC. The grant from the Big Lottery fund was not as secure as had been hoped, so a few projects had already been earmarked for consideration if and when these monies became available. However, any project HPC developed would be supported by the Leisure & Community team with advice from Jane Elsom, UDC‘s grant finder. It was felt that this issue should be discussed at the Annual Meeting. Mr McCarthy will put a note in the monthly newsletter that the small response, match funding requirement and maintenance issues have meant that currently this project would not be preceding. A suggestion was made that a list of activities in nearby villages/towns should be put on the website and possibly added to the newcomers pack. Mrs Midgley will draft a list for consideration.– Action SM/AM


    A reply to our complaint regarding the lack of gritting had elicited a reply from West Area Highways that merely stated that gritting had taken place during the period of bad weather. The Clerk was asked to write again, this time to Mr I Hurwood, to obtain a more specific reply in relation to the B1054 and Hill Road being impassable.– Action CD

    Davina Millership, West Area Highways Manager had agreed to attend the May meeting. Outline questions will be drawn up at the next meeting to send to her in advance, as requested. (Change of May meeting date to be advised to Ms Millership.)– Action CD

    One fluorescent jacket had gone missing. The Clerk to order another (size small).– Action CD

    The Clerk had chased Mr Felgate regarding the outstanding kerbing at the bottom of Church Hill and the repair of the triangles, which were promised before the end of March.

  6. P3

    Miss Frost had circulated to Mr McCarthy and Mr Haylock a draft copy of the application for P3 that required further information from Mr Haylock and approval. A response from Hr Haylock was requested within 48 hours. The modest list for the first year included replacement of a stile with a kissing gate, reinstatement of two waymarker posts, move a fence and a certain amount of path cutting. In principle the application was approved for submission to P3.– Action DH/DF
    Post Meeting note – the waymarker posts are to be put on the Council list of works rather than P3

    Sue Halstead had surveyed all the footpaths in the village and was prepared to share her information with the parish council. Miss Frost read out a draft reply to Miss Halstead that was approved.

    Mr Haylock had repaired and reinstated the gate at the bottom of The Chase and the planings had been spread over the lower portion of the bridleway.


    Mr Sladen confirmed that brief details of the Emergency Plan had been included on the website, under the Parish Council tab. The ECC website “Essex Info” ran a parish council website competition and Hempstead’s was 1 of 8 nominated finalists.
    Post Meeting note – unfortunately Hempstead’s website did not win.

  8. NUMBER 18 BUS

    Following notice that this service was under threat, Mr McCarthy had contacted Mr David Corke, Chair of Local Agenda 21 Transport Group. He had provided various information on the finances and passenger numbers for this service. It was resolved that a campaign to save this service would be mounted by the Parish Council. Initially, contact would be made with the Parish Councils of other affected villages to try and generate support for a coordinated campaign. Representations would then be made to Essex County Council and our MP, Sir Alan Haselhurst. Mr Thomas was asked to head this campaign, with the support of Mrs Midgley, and report on progress at the next meeting. Mr McCarthy will draw attention to the proposals in the newsletter.– Action AT/AM/SM


    The following account was approved for payment and a cheque drawn up:

    Uttlesford District Council Advertising – realignment of PRoW £1,600.00
    NALC 2007 Subscription £13.50


    Wellyard Cottage – UTT/0060/07/FUL – Since the last meeting considerable correspondence had passed between HPC and UDC regarding this application. It transpires that this application is in fact for a relatively minor amendment to UTT/1220/06/FUL that was approved in September 2006. Full clarification has been received from the Planning Department and as such the Clerk withdrew our initial objections. Conditional approval has subsequently been granted on 15 March 2007.


    Mr Sladen confirmed that the acoustic panels had been ordered.


    Nothing to report.

The dates of the next meetings are 26 April, 17 May (altered) and 19 June 2007 and the Annual Assembly on 25 May 2007.

The meeting closed at 10.30pm.