Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 7th February 2013

7th February 2013

The Parish Council met in the Village Hall on at 8.00 pm.



  • County Councillor Simon Walsh
  • District Councillor Simon Howell

Two members of the public attended the meeting prior to official business and took part in an informal discussion of issues relating to the two proposals for the site at Anso Corner Farm. One application was for two houses, the other was for the site to be included in the list of possible sites for Gypsy and Traveller Pitches.

Both of these would mean development outside the development envelope of the village and would radically alter the nature of the surrounding rural cluster of houses which includes listed buildings. Both public attendees were opposed to the plans for the above reasons and others that included the drainage of the area, which is already problematic and often experiences flooding, as well as the lack of infrastructure. The problematic access and poor public transport would mean an increase in traffic problems.

The council noted their views and invited them to stay to hear the matter discussed within the meeting when they would not be able to participate

The Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 8.42 pm


    held Thursday 10 January were agreed as a correct record.


    There were none not covered elsewhere


    Mr Sladen declared an interest and left the meeting for this item. The clerk went through the details of a previously circulated letter to Uttlesford planning department outlining the council’s opposition to the inclusion of this location on the list of possible Gypsy and Traveller Sites. This was unanimously agreed, though acknowledging that this was only the start of a lengthy process.

    Mr Haylock declared an interest in the ensuing issue and discussion. The Council then discussed the second issue with this site, which was the subsequent planning application for two houses on this site. The previous issue made this less straightforward than may have been the case if this application had been received independently. Indeed it had been necessary to ask for the Local Council to extend the normal response time so that the issues could be discussed.

    Whilst there was clearly an influence of the first matter on this application, the council after a lengthy discussion, agreed that they should oppose the plan for two houses. Apart from many of the same issues of radically changing the area, drainage, poor road access, inadequate infrastructure and lack of resources and facilities which were equally relevant to this application, additionally it was felt that this application could well open up the whole site for larger development of housing in the future as there had been plans mooted in the past to do just this.

    It was agreed that the clerk should express this opposition to the planning department.

    Mr Sladen rejoined the meeting


    Superfast Broadband
    The clerk provided details for circulation.

    County Councillor Simon Walsh’s Report
    This had previously been circulated.


    Village Green
    Amended papers had been sent off to Lloyd Simpson of Essex Legal Services but no reply yet received.

    Ash Tree
    The issue of the ash tree obscuring the church was still being explored and would be discussed again at the next meeting after contact with Ben Smeedham of Uttlesford Planning.

    Bird Scarers
    One scarer had been moved but contact was still sought with the other owner.

    Pond Area
    Miss Frost had cleared some brambles from the bank and planted primulas. However she reported that some of the slabs had cracked in the cold weather and maintenance was needed.


    Community Speedwatch
    No report

    Reported disruption due to excessive riding of motorcycles up and down Harvey Way had been reported to the police by a resident.


    The Footway Project
    An engineer had been out to appraise the site and noted some issues such as water meters and trees that had been anticipated. An estimate indicated that the cost would be in the region of £200,000. This may mean construction over the next two years. The Chairman had again met with Councillor Alastair Walters, Chairman of the panel, and reported that he was still firmly committed to the scheme. It was a cause for optimism that there did not appear to be any other competing large scale schemes in the district.

    Finalisation of the land transfer process, one of the keys to the scheme was still awaited. However a map had been produced and it was hoped that at least half of the work could done this year. It would mean a 5 week road closure.

    Local residents, whose properties were potentially affected, had asked to be kept in touch with developments.

    were still of concern especially the more dangerous ones. Mr. Drane continues to pursue this issue vigorously. Replies had been received but only served to indicate that Highways Department had been out carry out ‘robust’ inspections but no immediate action was forthcoming


    Cheques Signed
    HMRC £257.83 for PAYE on clerk’s pay September 2012 to March 2013

    Essex Heritage Annual Membership £15


    No further news had been received concerning negotiations for the 2013 funding. This matter had been mentioned to Local Councillor Alistair Walters as a matter that could possibly be delegated to The Local Highways panel


    The clerk said that invoices for the Newsletter would be appreciated so that cheques could be cleared before the end of the financial year.


    Miss Frost declared an interest in his item. Several properties had sought planning permission for tree works. Rosemary Cottage’s owner had asked to remove some of the lower branches of an Ash tree near the road. Three birches at Bridge House and two chestnut trees at Chestnut House were also the subject of applications for removal. None of these were deemed to need commenting upon.


    The patio project was on course and waiting for more suitable weather to move onto the next stage.

    John Cockman has been analysing the possibility of making the heating and lighting of the Village Hall more efficient and how to access the funding necessary. It was also noted that he would be retiring at the end of the year after many years of valuable support.

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays 7 March, 4 April and 16 May all at 8pm in the Village Hall. It was also agreed to pencil in Friday 17 May as a probable date for the Annual Meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm