Public Consultation – no members of the public attended
Before the meeting opened, David Forkin, West Area Highways Manager, Essex County Council, addressed the meeting on current highways issues. Mr McCarthy briefly went over the history of the footway and his site meeting with Cllr Hume on 8 November. Mr Forkin agreed to contact Cllr Hume to establish if he had progressed funding routes. Mr McCarthy reiterated the need to have commitment from ECC. Mr Forkin discussed Community Speed Watch currently being promoted by Essex Police to help reduce speeding.
Mr Forkin listened to the concerns regarding last year’s disastrous cutting programme and confirmed that the possibility of delegating some of this work has not been ruled out. Miss Frost verified that Hempstead would be interested in being involved in a possible pilot scheme. Mr Thomas complained about the lack of gritting in the past. Mr Forkin was sympathetic and asked that any problems in the future be brought to his attention as soon as possible to assist in establishing where the problems lay. Mr Forkin finished by praising the dedicated officers in his department who deal with the Uttlesford area. He then left the meeting.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 9pm.