Prior to the meeting the Council listened to a presentation by Moira Groborz of the Rural Community Council of Essex on Affordable Housing. The Chairman explained that this had been visited about ten years ago and discussed subsequently and the council may be open to the idea of a small development if there was a perceived need. She outlined the procedures for exploring this issue.
There was usually partnership with a housing association outside the accepted development area of the village, but adjacent to it if possible. Preferably several plots would be identified and the most suitable chosen. Developments were usually planned with some open market housing to subsidise the Affordable Housing. The latter is reserved for people who live or used to live in the parish or who have family or employment connections with the parish.
The first step is a housing survey which RCCE would organise for the council. This would be distributed to every house in the parish. The questionnaire is in two parts, the first being a general survey to gauge support and need. The second would only be filled in by those expressing a need for housing. Forms would be returned to RCCE in a prepaid envelope and be anonymous. The council would then receive a report on the outcome of the survey.
The Chairman thanked Ms Groborz for her clear and helpful presentation.
The Parish Council meeting was opened at 8.45 pm and the Chairman opened the meeting by wishing everyone a Happy New Year.