Bluebell Inn
Although currently closed a village community group called ROBINN (Rescue our Bluebell Inn) are hoping it can be re-opened.
ROBINN (Rescue our Bluebell Inn)
In September 2022 a group of residents pondered the demise of the Bluebell Inn and decided to see if they could do something about it.
After some initial months of networking, a Public Meeting was called on the 28th January 2023 to inform everyone of the progress to date and next steps. Approx. 150 people attended. The immediate outcome was to crowd-fund enough money (achieved within 24 hours) to allow a survey of the building, thus determining a price that could be offered for acquisition.
Negotiations are currently in progress.
If you are a resident of Hempstead and wish to be part of the information chain on progress of ROBINN, contact and ask to join the mailing list.