War Memorial

The Hempstead War Memorial was unveiled and dedicated by Lieut. Gen. Sir Francis Lloyd on the 4th July 1925 .
For many years Alan Weedon took the role of carer and maintainer. A refurbishment of the surrounding area was agreed by the Parish Council in 2009 and having secured the required funds, a new rear boarding and hedge was installed by the Hempstead & District Gardeners’ Club and new paving was introduced in 2010, removing the old shrubs and uneven slabs.
28th July 1914 – 11th November 1918
Frank Edgar Andrews
William Andrews
Hugh Charles Colman
Arthur Purkiss
Arthur Macdonald Purkiss
Charles Robinson
Arthur William Turner
Harry Colman
George Foster
William Purkiss
Arthur Robinson
Ernest Stubbings
George Tycer
1st September 1939 – 2nd September 1945
Francis Harley Bridgman
Cecil John Gibbs
They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning,
We will remember them.