Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 11th March 2009

11th March 2009

The Council met in the Village Hall on Wednesday 11 March 2009 at 8.00pm


Also Present:

  • Cllr Simon Walsh, County Councillor


  • Cllr Sue Schneider, District Councillor
Before the meeting opened, Cllr Simon Walsh presented his report which included the setting of Council Tax with a rise of 1.9% (one of the lowest in the country) and explanations of various pledges that have been agreed. These include £10 million for improving highways and footpaths. Cllr Walsh explained the Council’s action plan for dealing with pot holes – priority going to deep pot holes and a one fix method which will hopefully save money in the long term. Mr McCarthy asked Cllr Walsh to remind Cllr Hume that the application for funding of the footway along the B1054 was being submitted in the next few weeks. Mr McCarthy also took the opportunity to thank Cllr Walsh for his work so far with this project and to congratulate him on his new portfolio within the Council. There being no other issues, Cllr Walsh left and Mr McCarthy opened the meeting at 8.20pm.

    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    there were none


    Essex County Council (ECC) reply from Mike Felgate (Senior Engineer) regarding the railings adjacent to pond following reinforcement of bank – work to be delayed until the new financial year in April. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Felgate to ask for the reflector posts to be removed. – Action CD

    Uttlesford District Council (UDC) press release re free loan of litter-picking tools – Clerk asked to forward to Brian Ray with suggestion of forming a group to make use of this offer. – Action CD


    • North Uttlesford Community Forum
      no meeting since last report
    • Parish Planning Workshop
      no meeting since last report
    • West Essex Area Forum
      no attendance at last meeting possible

    Common Land Issues – The Clerk had contacted Lloyd Simpson (Legal and Registration Services, ECC) who had supplied details of two pieces of registered Common Land and three pieces of Village Green within Hempstead. These details were forwarded to Mr McCarthy.

    Mr Haylock had contacted the Land Registry office at Peterborough, who have denied making an error. He has also spoken to Caroline Nicholson of UDC who says that common land can have two registrations – one for ownership and the other for rights. Mr Haylock is also trying to contact Lloyd Simpson to establish exactly what he is studying in connection with this matter. Mr Haylock will continue to pursue the matter. – Action DH

    Neighbourhood Action Panels (NAP) – The Clerk contacted Sgt Mike Ashton, Neighbourhood Sergeant, for some dates for an introductory meeting. This was circulated to the other villages. However, after chasing replies it was decided to cancel the meeting due to lack of response. It was noted however that Neighbourhood Watch had had some good results just recently. Keep up the good work

    Dog Litter Bin Replacement – The new bin has been erected by Mr Sladen – many thanks. The Clerk will advise UDC to ensure bin is added back to collection run. – Action CD

    Forestry Commission Consultation – Mr Haylock reported that he did not think that the suggested works would affect Hempstead Wood.


    The following receipts had been received and banked since the last meeting:

    I Beaton PRoW Realignment (Inv 25) £100.00
    Approval of the full council was given for the following payment since the previous meeting:
    D Haylock Path Cutting £1,150.00

    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    Essex Heritage Trust Membership £15.00
    Glasdon UK Ltd Dog Litter Bin £99.57
    HomeStart Uttlesford Donation £50.00

    The Clerk had set up an Instant Access Saver account and arranged for the transfer of the funds as previously discussed.


    Mr McCarthy had a meeting with Joe Bicheno, Traffic Engineer ECC who had very detailed plans of the proposed footway along B1054. Various surveys had been undertaken with regard to utilities etc and a tree survey was due to be carried out on 12 March. It transpired that all the land required for the footway already belonged to Highways apart from two small areas at Bell Ropes and Bramleys. These residents together with all the others affected (apart from one) were happy with the plans. Mr Bicheno anticipated the bid for the money to be submitted before the end of the month. Mr McCarthy was thanked for the huge amount of time he has spent on this project. – Action DH

    Mr McCarthy had contacted Mr Tupman with a view to getting together his team of volunteers for Community Speed Watch training. The Clerk will contact Georgie Davis to remind her about getting this project off the ground. The Clerk was also asked to contact PC Dawn Bamford to remind her of her undertaking to ensure that speed checks were carried out in Hempstead. – Action CD/CD

    Despite the Clerk having contacted Highways after the last meeting, it appears that the drains along Anso Road had not been cleared. The Clerk was asked to contact Mike Felgate to request this and establish the schedule for drain clearing through the whole village. – Action CD


    Re-alignment scheme
    As mentioned above, all payments in respect of the realignment have been received. Robin Wallbank, PRoW Maintenance Engineer, ECC had come to review the footpath amendments in order to issue Section 27 certificates (to confirm fit condition for use as a public highway) and found a number of issues that needed rectifying. Having liaised with Robin Wallbank, Miss Frost had requested a number of waymarkers etc from P3 and hoped to complete all the issues within four weeks. – Action DF

    Miss Frost had a meeting with the contractor to discuss the current footpath meterage and a quote was expected imminently in order that the P3 application can be submitted before the end of March. – Action DF


    • Drinking Fountain
      Work has commenced within the last couple of weeks. Mr Haylock has received the Essex Heritage Trust plaque and he will also ensure that the June Jones plaque is replaced.
    • Backdrop to War Memorial
      ongoing. During the icy weather a car had skidded and damaged one of the new posts around the war memorial. The relevant residents reported the incident and offered to pay for the repair. Mr Weedon will arrange for the repair to be carried out. – Action AW
    • Village Sign
      Carried forward


    No volunteers had come forward and general discussion ensued and a few people will be approached.


    Website – all seems to be in order
    Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 March 2009


    Mr Sladen had received an e-mail from one resident whose property was flooded in June 2007. He was still concerned that some of the work highlighted in the Environmental Agency Report does not appear to have been completed by others. Mr Sladen reported that the District Engineer had visited the site and was currently seeking further advice from the Environmental Agency.

    Mr Haylock had collected some sand bags from the County Council but they did not appear to be in very good condition.


    • UTT/1803/08/FUL – Lakehouse Farm
      no decision to date
    • UTT/1883/08/FUL – Highbanks, Bumpstead Road
      post meeting note – refused
    • UTT/0052/09/FUL & UTT/0054/09/LB – Anser Gallow Farm
      no decision to date
    • UTT/0188/09/FUL – Mansard House
      Erection of single storey timber outbuilding – Mr McCarthy declared an interest – only minor concern was retention of appropriate screening to obscure view of outbuilding from the road. – Action CD

    A meeting of the management committee is scheduled for 19 March.


    The Public Inquiry into BAA’s plans for a second Stansted runway, due to start on 15 April, has been postponed to allow time for BAA to consider the implications of the Competition Commission’s final report on its market investigation into BAA which is due out mid March. (Post meeting note – 19 March – Competition Commission report states that BAA must sell Stansted within the next two years and importantly, the Commission will not insist on any new buyer of Stansted taking forward BAA’s second runway proposals.)

    Future meeting dates – Thursday 2 April, Thursday 14 May (altered) and Thursday 11 June 2009.

    Annual Meeting – Friday 15 May 2009

    The meeting closed at 10pm.