Mr John Sladen
A report had been received and circulated from County Councillor Simon Walsh.
Councillor Howell reported on the result of the Planning Committee Meeting which had considered the application by Stansted Airport for expansion of its activities. This had been passed by a casting vote from the Chairman. It would have far reaching consequences for traffic and other infrastructure issues with few planned amelioration measures.
Councillor Howell also informed the Council of his intention not to stand at the next election in May. He emphasised that he had enjoyed working with the Hempstead Council. The Chairman thanked him for all efforts on behalf of the Parish and wished him well for the future.
were agreed as a correct record and duly signed.
There were none
The Clerk had ordered the defibrillator and was chasing Community Heartbeat for an installation date. £400 has been received so far in donations from residents. Ms Frost was organising several fundraising events. The first of these was a coffee morning at the Bluebell on Saturday 17th where would be the raffle of a hamper, book auction and other activities. Vickie Joskow from the Community Heartbeat trust had agreed to supply a sample defibrillator.
The Chairman reported that a donor had offered a generous donation towards the fund. It was hoped to organise a public meeting in the New Year to explain the usage.
The Clerk had attended the presentation at County Hall. It was not yet fully clear the scope of the devolution. The Highways department seemed keener on warning about Health and Safety issues and the meeting descended into some disarray. It was clear that the plans for the devolution of funds benefitted larger councils who could achieved economies of scale and absorb the necessary organisational and monitoring activities within their staffing capabilities. Although the minimum figure of £500 for smaller councils may seem more generous the range of activities expected was not yet clear. If it was just possible to concentrate on footpaths it could be of benefit but it was decided to await further information.
Basil Cottage, UTT/18/2810/FUL – It was agreed that the Clerk would submit comments to the effect that this application was outside the development area of the village.
Chaseside Cottage: UTT/18/3020/HHF – This application was for the provision of a second access off the highway for this development that had already been considered unproblematic by the Parish Council. The Council agreed that no comments were required.
Bramley Hollow: – Notification had been received by the Parish Council and neighbours of intended development on the derelict chicken farm site. The Chairman pointed out that this site did have an agricultural covenant on the site. However, there were as yet no details of the scope of the development.
Anso Corner Farm: UTT/18/2945/FUL – An application had been received for the building of a house on this site. The current application detailed the demolition of one of the existing industrial units and the building of a large house and separate commercial/ancillary building. There had been a previous application for a house on this site that the Council had not opposed but added some comments on the style.
Again, the Council agreed not to oppose the development in principle, but was concerned about the scale of the new house which would dominate the site. It was agreed that the Clerk would pass on these comments to Uttlesford Planning.
Notes from Planning Parish/Town Council Forum: – The notes from this meeting had been circulated to the Council before the meeting. The Clerk pointed out some of the key issues that affected the working of the Planning Department and would impinge on the Parish Council’s work.
i) A list of applications would be circulated as not all applications were appropriate for consultation.
ii) To economise, plans etc would not be printed out and circulated but could be viewed on the website. (From January 2019) There would still be an email sent out giving details of the application and response timing.
iii) Except in exceptional circumstances councils would no longer be able ask for additional time to comment as they already have a week longer than other consultees and it is slowing the application process down.
David Drane reported that he was still chasing the usual issues of potholes etc.
Footpath Cutting – Looking at some of the previous year’s figures it was worked out that a rough figure of at least £1000 might be required to cut the most important routes in the village. However more work would need to be done to convert these estimates into a realistic plan.
Flooding – recent flooding was reported outside Dick Turpins cottage. As there had been little rain recently it was hard to assess the significance. It was agreed to keep a watch on the situation.
Payments had been authorised on the website to Chas Johnson for Tree Cutting £400 and the Clerk’s Yearly expenses of £440. A cheque for £30 was signed for the Royal British Legion for the wreath and poppies used at the Remembrance Ceremony. The appropriate invoices were signed by the Chairman.
The Clerk had circulated a copy of the next year’s budget and this was discussed. Payment of the yearly support payments for the defibrillator and Election Expenses would have to factored in. Though it may be necessary to increase the latter if an actual parish election was necessary.
Additionally, it was agreed to look at the possibility of funding some footpath cutting in the light of the complete failure of Essex Highways to efficiently undertake this task. Some of these issues may have to be re-visited at the next meeting before the precept form is finalised. This was discussed, and it was agreed to finalise it at the next meeting in preparation for the precept setting process.
Christmas tree: Mr McCarthy’s neighbour, Nicholas Turkentine had agreed to decorate the tree. Any expenses up to £50 could be claimed back on production of receipt. The tree delivery would be arranged by Mrs Scott.
Many positive comments had been received and a photograph had appeared in local papers. The Chairman thanked Mrs McNeill’s for organising this. Attendance at the ceremony had been good.
Wifi had now been installed in the village hall and was up and running. A grant for the cost of the installation had been agreed by Essex Community Fund and Mr Long awaited the invoice to send off and claim this sum back.
The heating system had been updated and now the Village Hall Management Committee was now looking to refurbish the blinds and lighting.
The Clerk had forwarded first details which could be discussed at the next meeting.