Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 12th June 2008

12th June 2008

The Council met in the Village Hall on Thursday 12 June 2008 at 8pm


Also Present

  • PC Dawn Bamford
  • PCSO Rose Clarey


Before the meeting opened, PC Dawn Bamford introduced herself as the new beat officer for Thaxted and Newport area and reintroduced PCSO Rose Clarey. PC Bamford gave a brief resumé of the changes over the last few months since PC Tanya Tokarsyck had moved on, including advising of Sgt Seymour’s transfer from Saffron Walden and the arrival of Sgt Mick Ashton. Speeding issues in the village were discussed and a speed check was requested, with particular emphasis on busy times. PC Bamford reported on police activity reports for the area during this year and, while there were no significant issues, she reiterated the need for reporting all incidents and maintaining security, as within her beat area there were incidents of distraction burglary and thefts of heating oil, diesel, metal etc. In order to keep PC Bamford informed of issues within the village copies of both minutes and agendas were requested in future. Mr McCarthy thanked both officers for attending and they then left the meeting.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.35pm.


    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    • Duck Pond on Church Hill
      a letter had been received from Gaby Spalding, Essex County Council (ECC), detailing the reinforcement work to be done to the eroded bank to be carried out between November 2008 and January 2009. Miss Frost asked that a plan be requested on exactly which section of the bank was to be reinforced.– Action CD

    Stansted Airport Community Trust Details of next round of applications for grants
    UALC notice of AGM 19 June
    Uttlesford District Council Information re new Community Forums
    GO-East Information of East of England Plan online

    • North Area Panel
      meeting 12 June – Mr McCarthy sent his apologies.
    • Parish Liaison Meeting
      no meeting since last report.
    • West Essex Area Forum
      meeting 10 June – no attendance possible.
  5. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – 16 May 2008

    The Council thought that the meeting was very successful with the usual level of attendance and a lively discussion at the end. A very informative contribution by Cllr Simon Walsh was also much appreciated. The Clerk to ensure that any action points were followed up.– Action CD


    no issues to report.


    Miss Frost presented the Council with an invoice from Ashfields Ground Management Ltd for the first cut of the footpaths as agreed with P3. She explained about the small additional charge for cutting paths not originally agreed but now required following the refurbishment work. Miss Frost will apply to P3 for reimbursement of monies paid out as soon as possible. One glass panel of the notice board had been smashed and the clerk presented an invoice to cover re-glazing.– Action DF

    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    Saffron Glass Re-glazing of notice board due to vandalism £64.63
    RCCE 2008/09 Subscription £40.00
    J Basham Grass Cutting for April and May £360.00
    Essex Air Ambulance Donation £50.00
    S McCarthy Refreshments after Village Clear Up Day £38.00
    D Frost 9 posts for footpath refurbishment work £42.99
    Ashfields Ground Mngmt Ltd Footpath cutting £1,229.40

    Further investigation work with regard to the PAYE scheme was ongoing. The Clerk had written to Zurich increasing the value of the assets but due to staff changes no reply had yet been received despite reminders – ongoing. The amendments to the bank mandate have now been submitted to Barclays. – Action CD

    The Audit Report and associated schedules were considered, approved and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk for submission. – Action CD


    Mr McCarthy read the Council a letter received from Cllr Norman Hume confirming funding for the proposed footpath subject to the necessary land being made available. Following discussions, Mr McCarthy has now obtained verbal agreement of the residents of 13 of the 15 properties involved. He had also had a site meeting with an ECC surveyor, who had discussed the necessary works that would be undertaken and who could see no insurmountable problems. A topographical survey would be undertaken within the next few weeks. The Council congratulated Mr McCarthy on his hard work. (Post meeting note: Mr McCarthy now had verbal agreement of 14 out of the 15 properties and asked that the Clerk update Cllr Hume on progress to date.) – Action CD

    Mr Thomas reported that there were no new matters and current issues were ongoing.

    The Clerk confirmed reporting to West Area Highways both the blocked drains on Anso Road and the missing reflector posts from the triangle at the junction with the B1053.


    The questionnaire had been distributed with the June newsletter with a low response to date. Mr McCarthy will add a reminder on the July newsletter. – Action SM


    • Re-alignment scheme
      The notices advising of the footpath changes had been received and were displayed where appropriate. A copy of all the orders sent for advertising had been just been received – Mr McCarthy took this for review. – Action SM
    • Footpath clearance work
      Miss Frost confirmed that Hod Jeffrey had completed the original work schedule together with a couple of extra items. The Council agreed the fee for this work. Miss Frost would liaise with P3 for further funding. (Post meeting note: 50% of extra costs to be funded by P3.) – Action DH
    • P3
      The first cut of the footpath network had been completed and Miss Frost had liaised with the contractor to return to cut a further unscheduled section which needed cutting following the refurbishment work. The additional costing for this was agreed by Council. The invoice had been received from the contractor and it was agreed that this should be paid as soon as possible. Miss Frost will liaise with P3 to get some of the grant monies paid now rather than wait until the end of the year. (Post meeting: Miss Frost has arranged a site visit with Charlotte Fellingham, PRoW Officer, P3 to review the work done and handover paperwork for reimbursement.) The Clerk was asked to write to Phil Cincius in appreciation of their excellent and timely work. – Action AT/DF

    • Drinking Fountain
      Mr Haylock has submitted a grant application to Essex Heritage Trust (next Trustee meeting scheduled for 11 July). He was also in the process of submitting an application to the Community Initiative Fund (ECC) and needed details of the costs of the refurbishment of the pond area so far – Miss Frost will supply this information. – Action DF
    • Village Sign
      Mr Weedon was asked to liaise with the sub-committee and bring to the next meeting some ideas for refurbishment/replacement/relocation. – Action AW
    • Backdrop to War Memorial
      The area behind the War Memorial was discussed with a view to opening it up to show off the recently refurbished Ring of Trees. Mr Haylock will discuss with Ben Smeeden, Tree Officer UDC regarding the removal of the conifers. – Action DH

    Website – nothing to report

    Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 June.


    Mr Haylock had been unable to get an update from Phil Hunt regarding the completion of recommendations following the flooding last year and the proposed drainage gully from Firs Cottage parking area – Mr Haylock will pursue. – Action DH


    The Clerk had received notification from UDC of a possible breach of planning permission within the Parish – planning officer will advise further if necessary

    UTT/0688/08/FUL – Shepherds Cottage only minor concern expressed was that the gate access was onto the private property of the field depending on where the boundary lies. – Action CD

    Mr McCarthy declared an interest in the following two planning applications and left the meeting.

    UTT/0823/08/FUL – Church Farm Garage/Store the new building was felt to be a little large in comparison to the existing house and the need for foul drainage was questioned. – Action CD

    UTT/0824/08/FUL – Church Farm Extension not felt to be the most visually appealing but basically no objection. – Action CD

    Mr McCarthy returned to the meeting.

    The need for planning permission for the new fence beside the highway at one residence within the village was questioned – review of the advice from the national planning portal would indicate that this may be the case. The Clerk was asked to approach the residents concerned to establish if this had been looked into.


    There were no matters to discuss.


    There was nothing to report.

The dates of the next meetings are Tuesday 8 July, Thursday 7 August and Tuesday 2 September 2008

The meeting closed at 10.05pm.