were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
Councillor Simon Howell
The councillor sent his apologies and hoped to be at the next meeting.
Councillor Simon Walsh
sent an email regretting his absence but sent in a report. He mentioned that he had spoken to Councillor Chapman and reported that she is happy to visit when her diary permits. However she was very clear to him that funding is now extremely tight, and bluntly it may be difficult to progress this scheme further. He hoped when she gets a better understanding of the circumstances she will take a more sympathetic view. He knows some senior highways officers see the merit in this project, and are mindful of the long time this has been on the books. He will continue to press the case, to try and get a positive resolution.
He outlined concerns with the Highways Dept. They had repaired over 30 000 potholes and other minor defects since April. However their customer service performance is causing concern to the public and elected members. A high level scrutiny panel has been set up to address this issue. He encouraged us to take part in the Winter Salt scheme and mentioned applications for secondary school place should be in by October 31.
He is working on response to two consultations for the county. Firstly expressing strong views that Dartford crossing toll revenue should be ring fenced for an additional crossing. Secondly seeking to ensure protection for green belt and green field sites under the new National Planning framework.
The county budget process is underway and will be extremely tight, actively looking for further savings. In consequence expectations have to be lowered in terms of delivering desirable, but not essential services or schemes.
Waste collection system
Emails on this issue were discussed and it was agreed that it did not seem likely that the council could afford to pursue the use of the skip service on its own.
Support for Sight and Queen’s Jubilee
It was agreed to defer decision on these items until the budget discussion in the next meeting.
Community Speedwatch
The Chairman had been contacted by Mr David Tupman who was keen to progress the issue and was willing to co-ordinate. It was acknowledged that this could cost £300 per year but this could be covered from the budget. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr Tupman to encourage him to proceed. – Action SM
Winter Salt Supplies
The clerk had applied for the quota of winter salt and some residents had already been in contact. The council had sent a helpful reply on the issue of public liability. It was agreed to purchase an additional salt bin.
North Essex Forum
The Chairman had attended and reported that the changes to the waste collection were going ahead despite unfavourable comments, as they showed savings.
Registration of Common Land
A reply was awaited from Essex Legal services concerning the Parish Council’s request to register the land surrounding the War Memorial as a village green.
Financial Report
It was agreed to discuss the progress against budget figures that the clerk had prepared at the next meeting and draft a budget for next year in conjunction with decision on the aims and objectives for next year.
Minute Book
it was agreed that the clerk should purchase a copy available for £70/80. – Action ML
The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:
Mr David Haylock P3 cutting |
£630.00 |
Mr Harry Luff P3 cutting |
£227.10 |
Mr Julian Basham Village grass cutting |
£300.00 |
Pedestrian Footway
No progress was reported
Mr Drane had continued chasing the issues of potholes, hedges and re-surfacing. However he had received no replies to his constant emails for a couple of months. This had been reflected in the report by the county councillor.
P3 footpath cutting
Final invoices had been received from Both Mr Harry Luff and Mr David Haylock for which the clerk would forward to Essex County Council for payment. – Action ML
Footpath 46
had been re-routed to the edge of the field and amendments to the definitive plan received.
Work on this was due to commence at the beginning of November. This includes grading the track down towards the B1054 and turning right onto the entrance of Bachelors Meadow to make a safer exit. – Action ML
Pollarding and Hedge Trimming
An estimate had been received from Mr Chas Johnson.
Pollarding of the Ring of Trees and 2 Willows |
£250.00 |
Cutting the hedgerow to the side of the Village Hall to hedge height |
£250.00 |
Prices included removal of all waste.
It was agreed to proceed with this work as it previously been agreed In the schedule of works for the year, (8 Dec. Minute No 128 and 17 March Minute No. 161)
Anso Corner Farm
No comments had been sent into Uttlesford regarding this application
This was to be discussed at the next meeting
Future meeting dates – 17 November and 15 December at 8pm in the Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.