Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 14th January 2016

14th January 2016


Thursday January 14 2016

Held at Hempstead Village Hall


Part Time:

Members of the Public

  • Mr Samuel Murphy, a member of the public

Prior to the meeting Mr Murphy spoke to the Council about the renovations at Pippins which were due to be discussed in the meeting. He explained their extent and some of the historical aspects of the building that had been discovered during the refurbishment. The Chairman thanked him for his attendance and contribution. He then left the meeting

The Parish Council meeting opened at 8.14pm


    Mrs Nicola McNeill
    County Councillor Simon Walsh
    District Councillor Simon Howell



    No matters not covered elsewhere but Mr Murphy pointed out that his wife’s name had been recorded incorrectly when she attended an earlier meeting on October 15. It was agreed to correct the appropriate minutes.


    The Council discussed the email from James Nicholson, forwarded by Diana Frost, which reported sufficient interest had been shown to contribute £9000 towards the £14650 needed to provide the infrastructure for the County Broadband project.


    The Clerk said that he received notices of Road Closures often not strictly relevant to the parish or quite vague in detail. It was agreed to only publish them if really appropriate and helpful to residents.

    The Queen’s Birthday – is due to be celebrated on April 21st. It was agreed to consult locally and possibly plan some sort of event. It was agreed that the Council contribute £100, if necessary, as a starter fund.

    Emergency planning – Following correspondence from Lisa Lipscombe, the Emergency Planning Officer at Uttlesford, Mr Sladen agreed to arrange a meeting to update Hempstead’s plan.


    The previously discussed work at Pippins had now been received as a formal application. As the work had the approval of the conservation officer it was not deemed necessary to offer any comments.


    Footway and Schemes submitted to Local Highways Panel

    The Chairman had met with Rissa Long of Highways and County Councillor Walsh. Unfortunately as all money for this year had been allocated it would not be possible to finish the footway in this financial year. It would have to go back to the Local Highways Panel on March 21st to bid for next year’s funds for another £70 000. It was agreed that Hempstead should be strongly represented at the meeting. The council would reserve the opportunity to speak and put its case.

    The other schemes for speed management were under investigation but did not in many aspects fulfil the criteria needed for action. There was some chance of a 40mph limit from Boytons Rd to join up with the 30mph limit in the centre of the village. Similarly the downgrading of Anso Rd from a ’B’ road to ‘C’ road may also be possible. However it was agreed that the Council should not jeopardise the Footway conclusion by pursuing these schemes too vigorously.

    Mr Drane reported that the chevrons and reflective post had been restored at Long Corner. It was pointed out that the ‘Sharp Bend’ sign was obscured in the hedge further up Hill Road. Mr Drane agreed to pursue this and attention to one the flashing speed signs that did not seem to be working.


    Flooding – Mr Sladen had sent an email round detailing his correspondence concerning the ongoing flooding and drainage issues. The email reply from Highways had concluded that the drainage system in the village had been cleaned out and checked in the autumn and they reported no issues. Mr Sladen had also extensively surveyed the village during the recent heavy rain and found several issues still not resolved. He had concluded that although there were individual sites which are still not working which result in excessive water gathering and that some drains, ditches and pipes needed clearing, either by Essex County Council or landowners generally, the watercourses worked quite well. The Council agreed with his conclusion that it was shame that for the sake of what amounted to routine maintenance the risk of flooding, albeit localised, remained. The chairman thanked him for his conscientious pursuit of this matter.

    He had also contacted Essex Highways with the report number from Anglian Water concerning the broken pipe that was discovered and reported outside Drapers. He had asked what the policy was on attending to this sort of repair whilst there was an ideal opportunity for repair. He had written on December 21 and again a week ago with copies to Councillor Walsh. No reply had been received.

    Pond Refurbishment – No work had been possible on the pond as the weather had been too wet. It was now due to start at the end of January.

    The Bluebell Inn – Some work on the interior of the pub was in evidence prior to the signing of the agreement.


    The clerk reported that he had contacted District Councillor Howell as the £666.66 New Homes Grant had not yet been received.

    The Clerk is to attend a Transparency Grant Fund Application Submission Surgery to help apply for a possible grant for a laptop and other setting up expenses involved with the new financial arrangements.

    Cheques were signed as follows: HMRC PAYE £37.44, Uttlesford Election expenses £103.37, Radwinter Parish Council £322.98 for agreed contribution to green waste skip, EALC for Grant Application Surgery £20 (to be claimed back on application), Martyn Long £440 yearly clerk’s expenses, Martyn Long for Homebase purchase of Christmas Tree and Base £53.74 and Martyn Long for purchase of Christmas Tree lights from lights4fun £34.36.

    The Precept form, requesting a precept of £8148, which will also triggers a UDC grant of £352 making a total of £8500 as planned in the Budget at the last meeting, was signed

    New Banking Arrangements: Barclays Scanning Section had not yet finally approved the new mandate changing signatories. Hopefully this would be completed soon so that online banking can be set up.


    The new financial section is being planned and will be put onto the website in the near future.

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Wednesday February 10, Thursdays March 17 and April 14th at 8pm in the Village Hall.

NB: Please note change of day and date for February meeting

The meeting ended at 8.25 pm