Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 15th June 2006

15th June 2006

The Council met in the Village Hall on Thursday 15 June 2006 at 8.15pm




    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda

    • Ring of Trees etc.
      Chain left over from the Ring of Trees still to be installed around the fountain. Mr Haylock had spoken to Mike Felgate (ECC West Area Highways), who had confirmed that he saw no problem with installing chain and posts to replicate that around the War Memorial around the opposite corner of Church Hill – this being because his map showed the area as Village Green. Mr Haylock asked for a copy of his map for future reference. Mr Haylock will now organise obtaining the chain and posts. The “Ancient Monument No Parking” sign was now installed at the Ring of Trees – thanks to Mrs Midgley.– Action DH

      Miss Frost had been unable to find any Parking Ambassadors from Uttlesford but will continue to look for them.– Action DF

      IT WAS DECIDED that chain and posts to replicate that around the War Memorial would be installed around the opposite corner of Church Hill. Mr Haylock to organise obtaining this and discuss with Mike Felgate (ECC West Area Highways). Mrs Midgley had established that a ‘brown’ sign was directional and it was decided that this was not necessary.– Action DH

      Mrs Midgley had obtained a quote of £35 (plus VAT) for a black and white sign measuring 0.3m square stating “Ancient Monument No Parking”. IT WAS DECIDED to order this sign.– Action AM

      The parking difficulties at the bottom of Church Hill were discussed and Miss Frost will approach the Parking Ambassadors from Uttlesford about any solutions to this continuing problem.– Action DF

    • Public Rights of Way
      Mr McCarthy and Mrs Grimster had a meeting with Maggie Cox and paid £200 to start off the process. However it was felt that meeting the extended deadline of 30 June for the Community Project Grant was now impossible and Mr Haylock was asked to try and obtain similar funding from the 2006/07 grant allocation. It is estimated that the cost of advertising etc for each package to be in the region of £700 and the process with take until the end of 2006/07 financial year to complete.– Action DH

    • Highways
      Mr McCarthy had spoken to both Sonia Church regarding the flashing speed sign and to Mike Felgate about the outstanding items from the Planned Parish Visit, including painting of railings, kerbing at Ring of Trees, and the refurbishment of the triangles at Anso Corner and Coach Road. These items were now all in hand. Mr Haylock had reported to West Area Highways a large pothole on Wincelow Hall Road together with 2 further potholes that needed repair. The 2 smaller holes had now been repaired but the larger, older one had not. Mr Haylock to pursue.– Action DH

    • P3
      In view of the completion of the initial stages of the realignment of the rights of way Miss Frost felt that work needed to start on the footpath maintenance. A preliminary budget needs to be submitted for consideration by P3. While all paths need to be walked and logged in due course, in the interim at least 5,000m of field edge paths are in desperate need of a cut. Miss Frost will initially approach Lisa Cross for £600.– Action DF

    • Hedge at Waterloo Cottage
      The Clerk was asked to approach the owners at Waterloo Cottage to request that their hedge be cut back to 18in of the 30mph repeater sign in the interests of the safety of road users at the bottom of Church Hill.– Action CD


    Following discussion IT WAS DECIDED that the allocation should remain as follows:

    Footpaths / Rights of Way DH & DF Tree Warden DH
    Airport SM Village Hall Rep JS
    Environment AW Road Safety Rep AM
    Emergency Planning JS Newsletter Editor DF
    Highways Representative AT    

    Mr Sladen offered to assist as necessary as his responsibilities were currently not too onerous.


    It was generally felt to have been a good meeting with the website proving very interesting. The Clerk read out the list of Likes and Dislikes from the Post It Note session and will email to all. Overall it was felt that the dislikes were matters that were beyond the remit of this council.– Action CD


    Photos of the churchyard earlier in the year had been put on the Church noticeboard. Second stage judging was now complete. There appears to be some misunderstanding regarding the hosepipe ban. Miss Frost will put an item in the next newsletter to clarify. Mr Weedon was asked to obtain a replacement brass plaque for the bench at the pond.– Action DF/AW

    Miss Frost advised the council that Mrs June Jones had donated £200 to the Gardeners Club for the upkeep of the railings at the pump, replacement of the willow tree at the pond and a bench outside the bus shelter.

  6. NEWCOMERS MEETING (16/6/06)

    It was anticipated that 23 newcomers were due which with the 16 or so “hosts” made a respectable get together. Mr Thomas would organise the wine and Miss Frost the snacks. Once it was felt that everyone had arrived, Mr McCarthy would welcome everyone and give a short chat about the village and then introduce the councillors and then the society representatives, who would give a short talk about their group. Mr McCarthy would finally thank everyone for attending.– Action AT/DF


    ECC A winter service review questionnaire was passed to Mr Thomas to complete.– Action AT
    UDC A sample Poop Scoop bag had been received. It was generally felt a good idea, possibly a dispenser could be attached to the side of the bin so that having disposed of one bag, another took be taken for the next time. The Clerk to respond to UDC.- Action CD


    Miss Frost mentioned that Radwinter now has a website which it might be worth monitoring. She also asked the Clerk for an up to date note of the website costs.- Action CD


    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    S McCarthy UDC Footpaths £200.00
    B Kitchen Website Expenses £50.04
    S Basham Grass cutting £180.00
    CPRE 2006/07 subscription £26.00
    NALC 2006/07 subscription £14.00
    Homestart Donation £50.00

    Donation re Newsletter Current Account £5.00

    The Audit Report and associated schedules were approved and signed by the Chairman ready for submission to Lubbock Fine.– Action CD


    Lakehouse Reservoir – UTT/0599/06/FUL – Conditional permission granted (to be completed within 3 years and to be removed after use).


    The water leak near the fountain is to be investigated by Jossaumes shortly.

    Local Transport Plan 2 has been received and is being circulated. A response will be formulated at the next meeting.

    Most of the verges on the main B roads have been cut. Miss Frost will contact West Area Highways regarding the uncut verges and ask for complete cutting of the triangles.– Action DF

    Mr McCarthy will speak to Mr Hardisty (Radwinter Parish Council) regarding the cutting of Radwinter’s verges as they were done considerably earlier than those in Hempstead.– Action SM


    Papers have been returned to Mr McCarthy so he will now investigate the matter further.– Action SM


    Mr Sladen confirmed the next meeting was Monday 19 June.


    Generation 1 consultation documents had been reviewed and the Clerk was asked to respond with our reservations in line with those of Stop Stansted Expansion.– Action CD

    The dates of the next meetings are 13 July, 24 August and 19 September 2006.

    The meeting closed at 10.15pm.