Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 15th October 2015

15th October 2015


Thursday October 15 2015

Held at Hempstead Village Hall


Part Time:

  • District Councillor Simon Howell

Members of the Public

  • Ben Rogers
  • Hannah Massey

The Parish Council Meeting was adjourned whilst the members of the public and Mr Howell addressed the Council.

Ms Massey from Pippins explained some of the structural issues that had become apparent as the property was being refurbished and the extent of repairs became more significant. Work had now been monitored and agreed by Uttlesford Planning Department. The Council agreed that if Uttlesford were satisfied then there were no further issues to be considered concerning this property. The Chair thanked her for explaining the situation and going through the correct procedures. Ms Massey and Mr Rogers left the meeting.

Councillor Howell explained some of the implications of the changes to the Local Plan. With 580 houses expected to be built per year, the effect would be felt across the whole district and some of the villages with facilities would have to take more houses. Additionally the site for a new settlement was being discussed.

Mr McCarthy mentioned schooling as there seemed to be a situation where a shortfall in provision would soon be apparent. He also updated Mr Howell on the situation with The Blue Bell public house.

Mr McCarthy thanked Mr Howell for his contribution who then left the meeting.

The Parish Council meeting opened at 8.23 pm


    Mr Mark Welbourn
    District Councillor Simon Walsh


    These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


    There were none not covered elsewhere.


    The clerk reported that he had written to the residents in the Wellyard area concerning the dumping of rubbish on the council owned land at that end of the village. The concern being that it may block the stream and cause flooding.

    Councillor Walsh had emailed and reported that he had been assured that there is sufficient secondary school capacity across Saffron Walden/Newport to meet the present demand. He added that he was seeking clarification about timescales for secondary school expansion to cater for future anticipated increase in demand.


    Bullsbridge Farm: as previously noted the signage is now less prominent and Uttlesford had informed us that the file was now closed.

    The plans for a garden room at Moss Farm were viewed and discussed and it was not deemed necessary to pass any comments to Uttlesford.


    No references had yet been received from villages already using the proposed system.


    Local Highways Panel Meeting 21st Sept: No minutes had yet been seen for this meeting. Mark Welbourn had been unable to attend but had written to Rissa Long at Essex Highways for an update. The next meeting was planned for 6pm 18th January. It was agreed to discuss possible attendance at the next Council meeting in November and for the clerk to write to Ms Long for an update.

    David Drane reported that the hedge at Harvey Way had been cut by the Highways Rangers. It was agreed that they had done a very good job. Mrs Buckland, who had several times approached the Council on this matter, had passed on her appreciation. Re-installation of the cat’s eyes was still imminent and the deep pothole at Radwinter had been marked for repair.

    Footway Project: Still no firm date had been fixed for completion but it was still promised before the end of the financial year. A problem had arisen with the edge of the road outside Apple Trees and Rosemary Cottage. Passing lorries are damaging the verge and leaving it in danger of erosion. David Drane agreed to look into the matter and possibly submit it as another scheme to the Local Highways Panel.

    There had been two recent occasions when cars had left the road at Long Corner Cottage and damaged the hedge on the triangle. It was agreed that this may be a speed issue though the surface of the road may be smoother after re-surfacing. The Council agreed to monitor the situation


    Pond Refurbishment – A quote was still awaited for the digger work. The plan is still for it to be dug out re-puddled with clay and the surround reinstated with grass. The probable cost was £3500 and the Council agreed, that using reserves, this would be an acceptable sum.

    Village Green – As the council had withdrawn its application for this area to be re-registered, Essex Legal Services had returned the papers.

    Christmas Decorations – It was agreed that the clerk should order white lights for the tree to be placed on the green near the bus shelter.

    The Bluebell Inn – There was still strong interest being shown but there remained some outstanding issues from the owner’s side to resolve.

    Trees at Wellyard – After an email exchange, emergency action by the chairman had been agreed and some overhanging trees been trimmed by Chas Johnson at a cost of £80.

    The Mound – Mr Weedon had examined the large scale maps and confirmed that though the concrete area at Turpin’s had been built right up to the boundary, no encroachment had occurred.

    Railings – The Duke of Edinburgh Award volunteers had been painting roadside railings. The Chairman thanked them for their efforts.


    Cheques were written as follows:

    Donations to Essex Air Ambulance and Home Start £50 each. £25 to the Stop Stansted Expansion Campaign.
    Unipar Speed Gun Calibration £169.20. PKF Littlejohn External Audit fees: £120. HMRC PAYE £37.44 Julian Basham Grass Cutting £300
    Banking Arrangements: The Change of Mandate form was signed as appropriate. Mr Welbourn will have to sign outside the meeting and pass his personal form to the clerk.
    Publication of Finance information under the new finance arrangements end of the year figures, internal and external auditor reports, end of the year reconciliation and asset register will all have to be published on the website. The clerk agreed to send the material to Mrs McNeill and Mr Kitchen. He also said that there were grants available and it might be possible to purchase a dedicated Parish computer. The council agreed that the clerk should explore this possibility.

  10. Communications

    It had come to light that the Annual Parish Assembly minutes were under two headings in different locations on the website. Mrs McNeill agreed to sort this out with Mr Kitchen.


    No volunteers had been forthcoming to form a committee to look into the possibility of establishing a Play Area on the Glebe. So there is no progress likely on this issue.

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays November26, January 14 and February 11 at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting ended at 9.25 pm