were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.
- Drinking Fountain
Mr Haylock had been unable to contact Paul Skeete as he was part time – he will continue to try to reach him.– Action DH
- PCC Meeting
Mr Weedon’s work on the crypt information for the website was ongoing.– Action AW
- PRoW Realignment
Mr McCarthy had spoken to Margaret Grimster, who reported that following further consultation with relevant groups, the orders had been returned to UDC. The next stage is to forward these to the County Council who are expected to advertise these orders in September.
- The Clerk reported that only an “authorised officer”, who has successfully attended the appropriate training course, could issue Fixed Penalty Notices for litter dropping. It was decided that the Clerk would forward to Miss Frost information of what constitutes litter and a note would be added to the forthcoming newsletter.– Action CD/DF
- Cosytops Thermal Insulations Ltd
Miss Frost had contacted UDC and subsequently Cosytops and had agreed to distribute a leaflet with the newsletter in due course.– Action DF
Mrs Alison Midgley |
letter of resignation – the Clerk had contacted Peter Snow (Electoral Services Officer, UDC) to notify resignation and obtain notice of vacancy for the noticeboard. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to Mrs Midgley.– Action CD |
notice and map showing area under Dog Control Order – Mr Weedon to display as appropriate– Action AW |
review of polling districts etc – no comments given |
notification that approval needed to erect seasonal decorations on/above public highway |
Three Valleys Water |
notification of key stakeholder discussion forums re 25 year plan |
invitation to meeting re Code of Conduct |
invitation to East of England Regional Conference |
request for insurance information to help obtain a broker |
summary of Essex Local Area Agreement – distributed |
request for nominations for Community Achievement Awards– Action DF |
- North Area Panel – 19 July 2007
minutes still awaited. Mr McCarthy had completed the questionnaire requested by the NAP.
- Parish Liaison Meeting
no meeting held
- West Essex Area Forum
Miss Frost had written requesting an agenda point regarding our footway scheme at a forthcoming meeting. Sophie Campion will advise the date on which the item will be discussed. A letter had subsequently been received from ECC requesting items for inclusion in the forward plan – this was passed to Miss Frost. – Action DF
Mr Weedon had eventually managed to contact Barry Stansfield (UDC) and established that UDC had removed the garden rubbish at Wellyards. Mr Weedon thanked him accordingly.
Best Kept Village Mr Weedon reported that the new brass plaque on the village sign had discoloured and he would clean and seal it. Further consideration was needed for using the prize money. The sample marking sheets had been received and would be circulated by the Clerk.– Action AW/CD
The Clerk had ascertained that the level of Public Liability indemnity at £5million was sufficient and could be reviewed during the year if circumstances altered. The insurance cover was renewed with Zurich Municipal at £626.82 (including Insurance Premium Tax).
Lubbock Fine had signed off the 2006/07 audit with two points for review. The Council considered these and it was confirmed that various measures that have been put in place during this financial year cover the points raised by the external auditor. Mr Cockman had been given the records and, following discussions with the Clerk, had carried out a trial audit on the three months to 30 June. The Council considered his report and the Clerk is dealing with the points raised. A full six monthly internal audit will take place after the end of September. The Council appreciated the considerable work undertaken by Mr Cockman so far. – Action CD
The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:
Lubbock Fine |
2006/07 Audit Fee |
£141.00 |
J Basham |
June and July grass cutting |
£360.00 |
2007/08 subscription |
£40.00 |
Zurich Insurance Co |
2007/08 Parish Council Insurance |
£626.82 |
C Dittrich |
Expenses |
£16.80 |
Footway The A3 size line plan had been circulated to all councillors. A letter had been received from Sir Alan Haselhurst with a copy of a letter from John Burr (Program and Project Manager, ECC) stating that the footway was not within the Government’s current plan and as such was unlikely to be allocated money from standard Highways budget. A September meeting date had been arranged with Cllr Hume and subsequently postponed. The Clerk was currently liaising to obtain a new date.
Kerbing at Ring of Trees Mike Felgate (ECC) reported that completion of this kerbing had been delayed due to the loss of a utilities map, but that this was in hand.
Speed limit extensions Mr Thomas reported this was in the 2007 work program.
VASI Signs Mr Thomas reported these were due to installed by the end of 2007. Mr Thomas would chase up the purchase of a second sign by the Parish Council.– Action AT
Access to Harvey Way Mr Thomas had had a site visit with Mike Felgate’s colleague, who agreed that the access at either end needed to be overhauled. However, widening the junction would encourage unsuitable vehicles along Harvey Way and it was decided that the kerbstones needed to be raised and the hedge should be cut back and squared off. Mr Thomas to monitor progress.– Action AT
The road distortion near Little Orchard has been reviewed and work is due to commence soon.
Mr Haylock had established that Coach Road had correctly been resurfaced.
Mr Haylock reported that some of the concrete slipways on Anso Road had been damaged during the resurfacing of the road. The Clerk was asked to ensure this item was put on the next Planned Parish Visit list.– Action CD
carried forward.
Robin Wallbank, ECC, had advised Miss Frost that the first cut for the whole district had just been completed and that Hempstead was first on the list for the second cut. Miss Frost requested that all paths be cut and not just the priority ones.
A meeting of Lisa Cross (P3), Miss Frost and Sue Halstead on 25 July had resulted in the delivery of a number of waymarkers, which Sue Halstead and Miss Frost would put up. Other works are being pursued through Robin Wallbank.
Website Holiday commitments meant that not much had happened on the website in the last few weeks. However, a Cookery Corner was planned and also a section entitled “Moving to Hempstead”.
Newsletter nothing to report.
High Street Flooding Mr Sladen and Mr Haylock had a meeting with Phil Hunt, District Engineer. Subsequently, Mr Hunt made a second visit with Alan Wheadon of the Environment Agency and a report from Mr Hunt was received immediately before this meeting. Following discussion of the report IT WAS DECIDED that the Clerk would send a copy of the report to the residents of the properties mentioned therein with a covering letter stating that the Council was anxious that the work recommended be carried out as soon as practicable to avoid a recurrence of the events of 14 June.– Action CD
The land upstream from Post Office Cottage was owned by the ECC and it was noted that clearance of the vegetation and ditch was therefore their responsibility. This was to be put on the Planned Parish Visit listing for next spring.– Action CD
Road Drains on B1054 Mr Thomas and the Highways Engineer from ECC reviewed all the road drains from Harvey Way to just before Firs Cottage. They were generally found to be poorly cleaned and the sumps were clogged up. All the drains are to be jetted and cleared and then a water trace activated to ensure the drains were all working correctly. Mr Thomas to monitor progress.– Action AT
UTT/1036/07/FUL – Land south of Anser Gallows Farm, permission granted.
nothing to report.
Stop Stansted Expansion has been formally invited by Inspector Boyland to propose conditions on a ‘without prejudice’ basis in the event of planning permission being granted. As such SSE are asking for suggestions to possibly be incorporated in their response. Mr Weedon was asked to reply by the deadline of 20 August and copy in the Clerk for the Council’s records.– Action AW