were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.
there were none.
all correspondence received since previous meeting had been circulated |
- North Uttlesford Community Forum
no meeting since last report
- Parish Planning Workshop
no meeting since last report
- West Essex Area Forum
no attendance at meeting on 15 July
- Walden in Transition
no meeting attended since last report
agreed as drafted – copy to go on noticeboard and website. – Action CD
Village Green Issues
Mr Haylock expected imminent receipt of the papers from ECC and will circulate them on receipt. Mr Weedon expressed interest in attending a Village Pond seminar later in the year and this was approved by the council. – Action DH/AW
Mr Haylock had received a cheque for £1,200 being the grant from Essex Heritage Trust for the work on the drinking fountain – this was duly paid in on 1 July.
The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:
J Basham |
Grass cutting (including churchyard) |
£300.00 |
Gutter Press |
Newsletter/Diary 2008/09 |
£242.00 |
At the request of the Highways Department, Mr McCarthy and Mr Sladen had a progress meeting on 29 June. The main points to report are that the width has been confirmed at 1.5m, footings will be installed with minimal environmental impact, land is required at Fanes Cottage, Bramleys, Bellropes and opposite Firs Cottage and an Environmental Assessment will be carried out. Highways will now contact their land agents, who will then arrange appointments with all landowners to discuss and agree impact of the accommodation works such as ground levelling, retaining walls, trees etc. The high level of consultation means that it will be a struggle to complete the work in this financial year. Full commitment from all relevant residents will help to avoid delays.
Mr Drane has arranged a site meeting with Ray Curtis from Highways to travel around the village to review all outstanding maters. A list will be drawn up before the meeting to ensure nothing is forgotten. Mr McCarthy will attend meeting to provide historical input as necessary. The issue of verge cutting was also to be discussed. – Action DD/SM
Mr Drane also reported that the next section of the B1054 from the Steeple Bumpstead direction will be resurfaced on the nights of 9-11 September.
The issue of overgrown hedges was discussed – Mr McCarthy will mention this in the next newsletter. – Action SM
Community Speed Watch
having been asked to pursue this, the Parish Council need to formally establish a group of volunteers (at least 6) before further pursuing a grant. A note to this effect will be made in the next newsletter with a request for volunteers to come forward before the end of August or we will surrender our place in the funding queue. – Action SM
Police Presence
PC Dawn Bamford last attended our meeting in June 2008 – Mr Drane was asked to invite her to our August meeting to give us an update. The single biggest issue in the village with regard to the police is speeding, yet despite requests, there have not been any speed checks done at busy times. The Clerk was asked to find out contact details at the police where complaints about excessive speed can be made. This can then be noted in the newsletter for residents to use and ensure the police are aware of the village’s non-acceptance of the matter. – Action DD/CD
Re-alignment scheme
Certification is still outstanding – the final posts etc need to be erected and then Ms Frost will report to Robin Wallbank (ECC). The date for the inaugural walk has been altered to 12 September – Miss Frost will forward suggested walks to Mr McCarthy for discussion. It was felt that this first walk should be for the village. – Action DH/DF/SM
The issue of producing leaflets of walks in and around the village was discussed at length. IT WAS AGREED that Miss Frost will prepare one walk leaflet as a trial with a budget of £20 and confirm P3’s offer of 50% of the cost of this project overall. – Action DF
- Drinking Fountain
Mr Haylock continues to liaise with the Community Initiative Fund to obtain the grant monies promised. – Action DH
- Village Sign
Mr Drane had received one quote from the three companies he had approached. This quotation was discussed and IT WAS AGREED to use Dirtbusters to clean the sign in situ for £75 plus VAT. Mr Drane was asked to obtain a quote from them for varnishing the sign in due course. – Action DD
Website – all seems to be in order
Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 July 2009
The plan needs to be updated in the near future.
- UTT/1803/08/FUL – Lakehouse Farm
no decision to date
- UTT/0505/09/FUL – Quail Farm Cottage
conditional approval
- UTT/0444/09/FUL & UTT/0445/09/LB – Anser Cottage
reconstruction of roof – conditional approval
- UTT/0820/09/LB – Anser Cottage
replacement door/window – no objections – Action CD
- The proposals to alter 2 footpaths to bridle ways – no decision to date
The blinds were now installed – all Grass Roots grant now spent.
nothing to report.
Future meeting dates – Thursday 13 August, Thursday 17 September and Thursday 15 October 2009.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm.