The Council unanimously re-elected Mr McCarthy as Chairman of the Council for 2006/07. Mr McCarthy thanked his fellow Councillors for their continued support during a most productive year.
Councillors reviewed their entries in the Register of Interests and there were no alterations to be recorded.
To be reviewed at the next meeting.
Were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda
- Ring of Trees etc.
Mr McCarthy thanked Mr Haylock for installing the chain, which looks superb. My Haylock confirmed that there was some chain left over and IT WAS DECIDED this should be installed around the fountain.– Action DH
IT WAS DECIDED that chain and posts to replicate that around the War Memorial would be installed around the opposite corner of Church Hill. Mr Haylock to organise obtaining this and discuss with Mike Felgate (ECC West Area Highways). Mrs Midgley had established that a ‘brown’ sign was directional and it was decided that this was not necessary.– Action DH
Mrs Midgley had obtained a quote of £35 (plus VAT) for a black and white sign measuring 0.3m square stating “Ancient Monument No Parking”. IT WAS DECIDED to order this sign.– Action AM
The parking difficulties at the bottom of Church Hill were discussed and Miss Frost will approach the Parking Ambassadors from Uttlesford about any solutions to this continuing problem.– Action DF
- Footpaths/P3
Mr Haylock had had a meeting with Mr Sills who had agreed most of the revisions being considered but not the length of Turpins Lane and those paths in the Boytons area. Mrs Grimster is arranging a date for her and Mr McCarthy to meet Maggie Cox (UDC) to agree costs, as invoices need to be received for submission to the Community Project Grant board.– Action SHM
Miss Frost will approach Helen Philip and Brian Kitchen with a view to website pages being projected onto a screen during/after the meeting. All other aspects of the meeting were finalised.– Action DF
Miss Frost reported that a small but busy team had been very successful on Clean Up Day with the Ring of Trees being grass seeded, noticeboards tidied, litter picked including along the stream and the village hall, pond area etc all being generally tidied. The three benches were teak oiled and the phone box was washed. The Clerk was requested to try and get the phone box repainted. It was noted that the notice in the Village Hall giving rates and contact details was missing, Mr Sladen will arrange for a further sign to be put up. Mr McCarthy thanked Miss Frost for arranging the day and Mr Haylock for providing the topsoil and grass seed for the Ring of Trees.– Action CD
Confirmed date is 16 June from 8pm to 9.30pm – 24 invitations had been sent with a small response so far. It was felt that a friendly reminder should be sent.– Action CD
Mrs. Gibbs |
concerned about deterioration of the entrance to Harvey Way and triangle at junction with Coach Road. The Clerk had already phoned Viceroy (bus operators, whose drivers are turning around the triangle and breaking down the sides) and it was decided a letter should now be sent to them. Mike Felgate will be consulted with regard to the reinstating of both areas.– Action CD/SM |
the Animal Warden had requested some feedback on the possibility of supplying Poop Scoop Bags via parish clerks to dog owners to encourage use of the dog litter bins. The clerk was asked to request a sample before further comment could be made.- Action CD |
Software recently purchased has enabled a slicker, more professional site. Tabs have been introduced on the front page and the site is considerably more user-friendly. The newsletter and diary are now on the website and many people outside the village are accessing this and no longer require these items posted to them.
The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:
2006/07 subscriptions |
£103.98 |
Andrew Everitt |
Pollarding Ring of Trees |
£264.75 |
Mrs H Philip |
Adobe Software for website |
£260.83 |
Solopark plc |
Chain for Ring of Trees |
£158.75 |
J Basham |
Grass cutting |
£180.00 |
S McCarthy |
Chairman’s Allowance |
£15.00 |
Donation re Newsletter |
Current Account |
£5.00 |
The Audit Report to be completed and reviewed together with the accounts at the next meeting.– Action CD
Wellyard Cottage – UTT/0670/06/FUL – considerable discussion ensued and it was decided that Mr Sladen would draft the salient points for the Clerk to incorporate into a formal reply to UDC regarding the Council’s concerns.– Action JS/CD
Fields Farm House – UTT/0289/06/FUL – conditional permission granted – development to be in accordance with revisions dated 10 April 2006 (dormer window replaced with Velux roof window) and materials to match existing.
The water leak near the fountain continues to be unresolved. However, Mrs Midgley discovered that BT were considering digging a hole at the side of the road just up from the fountain. Mr Haylock investigated the situation and managed to withhold digging for the time being. It may be that a mutually agreeable compromise can be reached with regard to allowing BT to dig and the repair of the fountain’s supply pipe. Mr Haylock will continue to monitor.– Action DH
Mr McCarthy will contact both Sonia Church and Mike Felgate with regard to outstanding items including flashing speed warning sign, Beware of Wild Animals signs, painting of railings, kerbing at Ring of Trees etc.– Action SM
Carried forward to next meeting.
Mr Sladen confirmed the next meeting was 19 June. The vandalism was being dealt with.
Generation 1 consultation documents for expansion on the existing runway had been received and were being circulated.
The dates of the next meetings are 13 June, 13 July and 24 August 2006.
The meeting closed at 10.20pm.