held Thursday September 19 2013 were agreed as a correct record.
The council noted that the proposal to build two houses at Anso Corner, which had been rejected by Uttlesford District Council, was now the subject of an appeal to the Secretary of State. As there were no issues that the Parish Council could add to previous comments made, there was nothing further to be done at this stage.
The Clerk showed the Council a card received from Mrs Colleen Buckland thanking them for their part in getting the Harvey Way hedge trimmed.
A survey of local rural parishes assessing their rural status in relation to their access to GP surgeries and pharmacies had been received. Unsurprisingly Hempstead had been deemed ‘rural’.
Pedestrian Footway
The on-site meeting was planned for October 21 in the afternoon. 2 county surveyors, Rissa Long, Alistair Waters, Simon Walsh and Simon Howell had all promised to attend. Mr McCarthy, Richard Crane and Miss Frost will represent the village. Mr McCarthy said that he would be urging for commitment to start, at least, the first and most dangerous part straightaway.
Tractor Convoys
The ultimate destination and origin of the disruptive convoys of very large tractors pulling large silage trailers were still unknown. It was suggested that there may be a Biomass Plant on the Broxted Road outside Thaxted.
Mr David Drane
was pleased to note that some of the outstanding potholes had been marked up, hopefully prior to being filled. He continues to chase other outstanding work.
Mark Welbourn CorrespondenceThe council noted Mark Welbourn’s correspondence with Essex County Council and were grateful for his persistent pursuit of these issues. They would pass on the comments about the Speed Awareness ‘Brake’ week to the Community Speedwatch volunteers.
Water Pump Area
It was agreed to contact Mark Halls to discuss the paving and possible solutions to weed encroachment.
Water LeaksThis was still being reported and it was now becoming urgent that it is fixed before any icy weather which would make it extremely hazardous. It was agreed to contact Simon Walsh to try to inject some urgency into the situation.
Affordable HousingIt was agreed to that the Parish Council should look at this issue and send out a survey for possible sites. To aid them in this it was agreed that the clerk should contact Rural Community Council for Essex and ask if someone could come and discuss the issue.
Hedging outside Village Hall
Miss Frost asked if the hedging could be trimmed each winter. Mr Haylock agreed to check the hedge and report back at the next meeting.
Some villagers had met the new Police Community Support Officer, Chris Barrett who seemed to have positive approach to the village.
New Salary Scales for Clerk
The clerk suggested that any change in salary ought to be discussed alongside the considerations of next year’s objectives and Budget. This was agreed
Cheques for payment were signed as follows:
Martyn Long £200 (Half Year clerk’s expenses)
Suffolk Acre £456.27 Amended Insurance.
Radwinter Parish Council £148.75 Contribution to Green Waste Skip
Slee Donation
Various ideas were discussed including bird boxes and bulbs. It was agreed to seek some more information on these before proceeding.
The clerk and Miss Frost had been in contact with Rob Venables and Harry Luff to iron out some glitches. R D Haylock and Son were proceeding with the second cut.
The first email issue seemed to have gone smoothly.
Further enhancements of the website are being planned to include more effective access to clubs and societies areas. It is also planned to be able to display and access video clips.
It was reported that the project had been finished within budget and a brief opening event was being planned.