Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 19th June 2007

19th June 2007

The Council met in the Village Hall on Tuesday 19 June 2007 at 8pm


Also Present

  • Cllr Simon Walsh County Councillor
  • Cllr Sue Schneider District Councillor
  • Ms Davina Millership West Essex Area Highways Manager Essex County Council
  • Two residents

Before the meeting opened Ms Millership answered the questions sent to her in advance of the meeting regarding funding of footpaths generally in the district and the specifics of our request for a footway along the B1054. There is currently no budget approval for the delivery of footways in Uttlesford area from the LTP2. Ms Millership stated that there was no up to date figures for the costing of the footway but the possibility of the village part funding the project would encourage a favourable response for future approval. The current decision-making process is based on projects achieving accident reduction, accessibility etc. Ms Millership will ask Ian Hurwood to provide a flat line plan of the latest proposal to Mr McCarthy. Cllr Walsh was asked to invite Norman Hume, Highways & Transportation Cabinet Member, ECC and Tony Ciaburro, Highways & Transportation Director, ECC to Hempstead to see the problems of the road and keep the issue with the decision makers at the top.

The recent flooding of the B1054 and B1055 was then brought to Ms Millership’s attention and she will ask Mike Felgate, Senior Engineer, to come and assess the situation of the water running down the road from field drains further up the High Street. This created the initial flooding on the road. Ms Millership then left the meeting.

Flooding on the High Street was discussed further and Mr McCarthy confirmed that later in the meeting a decision would be formally made with regard to the action necessary. Cllr Schneider briefly spoke directly to the residents with regard to the help they were receiving and/or needed following the flood.

Cllr Schneider reported on the adjustments following the recent change of leadership at Uttlesford District Council (UDC) and listed the various groups to which she belonged.

Cllr Walsh reiterated that he was having a meeting on Thursday with Norman Hume and Tony Ciaburro and would ensure that the footway was discussed and a meeting was agreed. He would continue to keep the Council up to date with information. With regard to the footpath cutting programme, whilst action was forthcoming following the discussions at the Annual Meeting, the whole of the first cut was not fully completed and now a patchwork effect existed with some paths suddenly going from cut to very tall growth and impassable. Miss Frost felt that her efforts to produce a priority cutting schedule seemed to have worked against the village, as the first cut had now come so late in the year (8-14 June). Cllr Walsh confirmed that he would report back that our expectations had been high after the failures of 2006. Miss Frost asked that the second cut be a full cut carried out in one go.

Cllr Walsh, Cllr Schneider and the residents then left and the Chairman opened the meeting at 9.10pm.


    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    • Specific Responsibilities
      Mr McCarthy asked that the responsibilities against Miss Frost should read Footpaths and Communication. The Clerk to advise Ambo and the website and alter the notice board sheet.– Action CD
    • Drinking Fountain
      Mr Haylock had still been unable to talk to Barbara Bosworth, but had spoken to Kay Pilsbury, local architect, who said repair it “as was” and probably do not look for a long term solution. Mr Haylock also now had the telephone number of a specialist in historic buildings based in Chelmsford who he would now approach for advice.– Action DH
    • PCC Meeting
      Miss Frost had attended the recent PCC meeting to advise them on the website and Mr Weedon will write a report about the crypt for inclusion therein.– Action AW
    • PRoW Realignment
      Margaret Grimster has a meeting arranged with Maggie Cox next week, which will hopefully result in finalisation and therefore advertising can go ahead.

    Standards Board of England Code of Conduct, Guide for Members – duly distributed to all
    Margaret Slee covering letter with restored copy of the “six inch to a mile” map of parish footpaths – Clerk to send letter of thanks – Action CD
    UDC consultation re long term empty properties – Clerk to reply – Action CD
    Hempstead PCC
    (Mr Weedon expressed an
    interest and left the room)
    request for assistance in repair bill for Church clock, IT WAS AGREED to send cheque for whole bill (under Parish Council Act1957 – power to provide public clocks)
    Mr Sanders, Great Dawkins letter concerning safety at Wychtree Lane triangle, Clerk to reply – Action CD
    Sir Alan Haselhurst, MP acknowledgement to Mr McCarthy’s letter of 11 June received
    Essex County Council information requested re bus shelters and request to ensure “No Smoking” signs installed – Action CD
    UALC Information re AGM – 21 June 2007
    Essex County Council Mobile Library Service – information and revised timetable – copy to DF for Newsletter – notice to board – Action DF/CD

    it was felt that the meeting had gone well despite low attendance. Cllr Simon Walsh had taken on board the general feeling of those present and action was already forthcoming.


    • North Area Panel – 5 June 2007 – attended by Mr McCarthy
      The panel unanimously agreed to support our footway project and will write to County Highways in support. Davina Millership confirmed that her office received less than £150k from LTP2, which supports the view that rural parishes get ‘the short end of the wedge’. The Locally Determined Highways budget for the current year is £153k. The panel received a presentation on the Yellow Bus Scheme and voted to pursue this.
    • Parish Liaison Meeting – 13 June 2007 – cancelled
    • West Essex Area Forum – 12 June 2007 – no attendance
      Miss Frost will draft a point for inclusion in a forthcoming agenda regarding our footway scheme – Action DF

    The Audit Report and associated schedules were considered, approved and signed by the Chairman ready for submission to Lubbock Fine. The need for an Internal Auditor was discussed and Mr McCarthy proposed asking Mr Cockman, this was seconded by Adam Thomas. The Clerk will contact Mr Cockman shortly. – Action CD

    Following a request from the Countryside Alliance, a number of councillors had left comments on their website in respect of their fly-tipping consultation. The Clerk was asked to look into the new powers available locally in respect of litter dropping etc. – Action CD


    The Audit Report and associated schedules were considered, approved and signed by the Chairman ready for submission to Lubbock Fine. The need for an Internal Auditor was discussed and Mr McCarthy proposed asking Mr Cockman, this was seconded by Adam Thomas. The Clerk will contact Mr Cockman shortly. – Action CD

    The Clerk had contacted the brokers who were unable to access the market. The Aon proposal will be reviewed briefly by Mr Sladen and then submitted with a request for a quote before July meeting. Zurich had also been requested to provide information for review at July meeting. – Action CD/JS

    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    Hempstead PCC Repair of Church Clock £180.00
    J Basham Grass Cutting £180.00
    E Ford Paint for Bus Shelter £14.09
    CPRE 2007/08 Subscription £27.00
    C Dittrich Expenses £98.06


    Discussions before the start of the meeting were briefly reviewed and Mr McCarthy hoped that the momentum created would continue and produce some results.

    Mr Thomas reported that the kerbing at the two triangles was completed. He had reviewed the access to Harvey Way and was awaiting a reply from Mike Felgate to arrange a site visit. Speed limit extensions were included in the 2007/08 work programme and currently police consultation is progressing.

    Mr Chris Stoneham had advised that the two locations for the VASI signs were to be eastbound by Mill House Cottages and westbound by Rosemary Cottage. They were to be installed by the manufacturer and moved after six months. In view of the lengthy time at each location IT WAS DECIDED to contribute to the purchase of a further sign. Mr Thomas to investigate further.– Action AT

    The Clerk had contacted Mr Felgate, who agreed to arrange for a gang to come and fill the gap in with matching kerbstones in due course.


    Following discussion, Mrs Midgley was asked to obtain quotes for supply and installation of a goal post.– Action AM


    Discussion prior to the meeting was reiterated – Miss Frost will continue to chase.– Action DF


    Miss Frost had a meeting arranged with Helen Philip to discuss a major refurbishment and update of the website.– Action DF


    (Mr McCarthy expressed an interest) Following the flooding of the High Street and three properties on 14 June, Mr Sladen will contact Phil Hunt, UDC to arrange a full survey of the area to establish what preventative action should be taken.– Action JS


    UTT/0472/07/FUL – Hill Cottage, permission refused.


    Mr Sladen reported that Pre-School had refurbished the play area and it looked superb. The heavy rains had caused some flooding of the roof gullies and water getting into the storeroom. Despite the gullies being constantly cleared it was believed the problem was caused by the intensity of the rain on 14 June. Mr Sladen to assess.– Action JS


    Nothing to report.

The dates of the next meetings are 19 July, 16 August and 19 September 2007.

The meeting closed at 10.40pm.