The Council unanimously re-elected Mr McCarthy as Chairman of the Council for 2008/09 and he duly signed the acceptance of office register. Mr McCarthy thanked his fellow Councillors for their continued support and congratulated them on a very successful year just past.
The Clerk duly provided all the councillors with a copy of the most recently submitted declaration of interests for review. Various amendments were made and the Clerk will advise Uttlesford District Council accordingly.– Action CD
Following update of the Plans and Objectives schedule the responsibilities of the councillors were decided as follows:
Sean McCarthy |
Police & Neighbourhood Watch Liaison, Footway |
Diana Frost |
Newsletter/Website, P3/Footpaths |
David Haylock |
Tree Warden |
Adam Thomas |
Highways |
John Sladen |
Emergency Plan, Village Hall Representative |
Sally Phillips |
Young People |
Alan Weedon |
Airport and Environmental Issues |
The Clerk was asked to put a copy of the Plans and Objectives schedule on the website and the notice board.– Action CD
The Clerk was unanimously confirmed as both Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer to the Parish Council.
were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.
- Drinking Fountain
Mr Haylock reported that two quotes had been received and after due consideration the tender by Mark Halls was accepted at £2,300. Mr Haylock is now pursuing a grant for this work. In view of the imminent judging for Best Kept Village the area round the drinking fountain is to be made as tidy as possible.– Action DH
- Duck Pond on Church Hill
The Clerk had chased Gaby Spalding, Essex County Council (ECC), again with no reply to date – ongoing.– Action CD
Zurich Municipal |
Details of enhanced cover in light of Corporate Homicide & Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007 |
Zurich Municipal |
Information re seminars on Health & Safety issues |
Uttlesford District Council |
changes to complaints of breach of the Code of Conduct |
Rural Housing Trust |
Invitation to Village Information Day at Newport |
Thaxted Parish Council |
Invitation to meeting of Tourism Partnership Liaison Committee |
Essex County Council |
Information re Commission of Enquiry into the A12 |
- North Area Panel
no meeting since last report. Letter received from UDC with proposals for replacement of three Area Panels with two Area Forums.
- Parish Liaison Meeting
no meeting since last report.
- West Essex Area Forum
meeting 15 April – no attendance possible.
The Clerk was asked to ensure 30 copies of the Agenda, Annual Report, 2007/08 Accounts and Finance Report were available for the meeting. Mr McCarthy and the Clerk will be at the hall at 7.45pm to put out some chairs and tables. Ms Phillips confirmed that due to holiday commitments she will not be at the meeting. The Clerk reported that she had already received apologies for Cllr Sue Schneider, again due to holiday commitments.
Mr Weedon continues to monitor the proposed changes to air space usage in light of considerable local objection. – Action AW
Approval of the full council was given for the following invoice paid since the previous meeting:
M Jeffrey |
First instalment |
£1,000.00 |
The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:
2008 Subscription |
£13.50 |
2008/09 Subscription |
£109.68 |
Chas Johnson |
Pollarding Willows by War memorial |
£50.00 |
C Dittrich |
Clerk’s expenses/photocopying |
£50.00 |
Mr Sladen reviewed the draft Risk Management Schedule and considered that it was mostly in order, although review of the insurance schedule was outstanding.
The Clerk was asked to contact EALC with regard to exemption of PAYE scheme criteria. The value of the assets was discussed and the Clerk was asked to contact Zurich to increase the value of the village pump and to add the recently installed posts and chains. – Action CD
Amendments to the bank mandate were still outstanding. – Action SP/CD
Mr McCarthy asked the Clerk to chase Cllr Simon Walsh for an update on the footway funding possibilities, particularly in light of the start of the new financial year. – Action CD
Mr Thomas reported that he had received an update from Roland Jordaan of West Area Highways, ECC stating that the 30mph speed limit extension will be contracted out shortly. Review of all existing speed limits within the revised guidance from the Department of Transport was still outstanding; however Mr Jordaan confirmed that the 40mph speed limit request has been passed to the officer heading this review to see whether this proposal can be given some priority within the overall review for Uttlesford. The Clerk was asked to chase Adam Pipe about Community Speed Watch and also to ask the Police for a speed check. – Action CD
Mr Sladen reported that there were a number of blocked drains along Anso Road, in particular north of Shepherds Cottage and also that the reflector posts on the triangle at the junction with the B1053 were missing – Clerk to advise West Area Highways. The verge opposite Little Orchard is in poor repair – Mr McCarthy to confer with residents. – Action CD/SM
Ms Phillips had spoken again to Simon Fenn, Area Youth Worker ECC, regarding the Youth Bus – lack of interest at Radwinter meant that they were considering removing Radwinter from their timetable. Ms Phillips again suggested Hempstead as an option. Mr Fenn would consider this once new staffing levels had been achieved.
The questionnaire Ms Phillips had emailed to all councillors prior to the meeting was discussed. A few minor amendments were suggested and then she was asked to provide the new version to the Clerk by 20 May so it could be photocopied and then attached to the June newsletter. It was also suggested that the questionnaire be put on the village website to increase the level of response. Ms Phillips was asked to actively promote the questionnaire amongst the youngsters. – Action SP/CD
- Re-alignment scheme
Mr Haylock had a meeting with Maggie Cox the day before and had been advised that the packages had gone to be sealed. The notices advising of the footpath changes were currently being encapsulated and would be available for collection in the next two weeks. Mr Haylock was asked to obtain a ‘plan’ for display at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May. – Action DH
- Footpath clearance work
Miss Frost confirmed that following email consultation of the Council, Hod Jeffrey was confirmed as the contractor to do the urgent clearance and repair work on the footpath network behind Mill Mound and on FP19.
- P3
Miss Frost has been very successful in her dealings with P3 and managed to obtain agreement to considerable funding across 3 categories – firstly, the original application still stands; secondly, 2 grass cuts of the entire remaining footpath network of 10,100 metres (the first of which should be started within the next two weeks); and thirdly, approximately half funding of the clearance and repair work (which has already been started by Hod Jeffrey). Mr McCarthy congratulated Miss Frost on her achievements and hard work. Mr Thomas agreed to supply approximately 10 fence posts for use with the repair work. – Action AT/DF
- Spring Walk
Miss Frost reported that this would take place in Hempstead, by the SW&DFA on 15 June with full details in the June newsletter.
Website – generally up to date – schedule etc on for the Annual Show together with entry forms.
Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 May.
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator – Mr Rennie has indicated that he wishes to resign so Mr McCarthy requested this as an agenda item at the next meeting.
Mr Haylock reported that Phil Hunt had received a letter from a resident, confirming that all the recommendations made following the flooding last year, had now been acted upon and all work completed. Mr Haylock to ask Mr Hunt to check all the properties concerned to ensure that this was actually the case. Also, the proposed drainage gully from Firs Cottage parking area to the stream was still outstanding – Mr Haylock to also chase this. – Action DH
There were no matters to discuss.
There were no matters to discuss.
There was nothing to report.
The dates of the next meetings are Friday 16 May – Annual Parish Meeting, Thursday 12 June, Tuesday 8 July and Thursday 7 August 2008.