County Councillor Simon Walsh
Mr David Drane
Mrs Sara Scott
County Councillor Walsh had sent a written report that had been circulated prior to the meeting and noted. It was agreed that these reports should be published on the website in the future.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held Thursday March 23, 2017
These were agreed to be an accurate account of the meeting, subject to one minor amendment, and signed.
Not covered elsewhere. There were none.
Pollards Cross, ENF/17/0112/C Details of alleged infringement of planning regulations had been reported to Uttlesford Infringement team in the Planning department. They have investigated the history of the property and plan a visit next week.
How the Council view planning applications was reviewed. Changes in the way that Uttlesford send out material means there is not always sufficient time for viewing and reflection on the applications. It was agreed that, the applications should circulate and councillors append comments. If necessary there will be discussion at the next meeting with the Clerk asking Uttlesford for more time to respond if necessary.
The new contact details were noted for Essex Highwauys and need to be used from now on to report all issues.
Uttlesford Community grant forms were now available and as the grant is not usable by Parish Councils they would be passed on to the Village Hall Management Committee.
Pedestrian Footway – The completion of the footway was duly celebrated on Saturday 8th April when Mr McCarthy cut the ribbon and declared it open. Mr Waters and County Councillor Walsh who had both worked hard to ensure that project progressed through the Local Highways Panel assisted in the ceremony. There were refreshments back at the Village Hall. In a speech on the patio Mr McCarthy thanked all those who attended and who had worked hard over the years to ensure this contribution to a safer village was completed. Mr Sladen also reminded those present of the persistence and effort that Mr McCarthy in particular had used over the years to see the project through.
Mr McCarthy thanked all those who had helped on the day particularly Mrs McNeill who had ensured the expenditure was well under the budget proposed and Anthea McCarthy who helped with the refreshments.
Highways – Concern has been expressed about the potholes along Wincelow Hall Road. Repairs promised, after the heavy usage due to inadequate signage during the completion of the footway, had not taken place. It was agreed that the clerk should ask Mr Drane to contact Highways yet again to try to get some progress.
Road Safety Schemes – Replies concerning the two schemes submitted to the Local Highways Panel had still not been received despite repeated requests by Mr Welbourn and the Clerk.
Flooding – Mr Sladen reported that he had received no news on further jetting or investigation work on outstanding issues in the village.
Bench at Pond – This had now been securely replaced.
Invoices were signed for the following:
Mrs McNeil £26.21 Celebration expenses
Mr B D Kitchen £237 Website renewal of Domain registration etc. from UK2
EALC/NALC Membership £129.22
These would be set up on the bank website ready for councillor authorisation.
A draft Annual Village Assembly Report had been circulated before the meeting and now awaited further contributions and finalisation. It should be published by the end of April. Mrs McNeill agreed to write a short update about the website for inclusion.
The Clerk updated the Council on progress on the play area and they advised that Planning application should go in as soon as possible.
In response to the email from Inspector Mike Couldridge, outlining the Essex Police Active Citizen Scheme to improve community engagement in rural areas, the Council further discussed the issue. It seemed to be the latest of many initiatives, often coming about as exercises in economy. Whilst they are sympathetic of the constraints that the police have to operate under, they had serious reservations about the idea of volunteers having to go into what may be confrontational situations particularly as the outline plan was bereft of details about support and training. The Council is not at this time willing to seek out volunteers until they see how the initiative develops. The Clerk was asked to convey this to Inspector Couldridge.