Prior to the meeting proper District Councillor Simon Howell addressed the meeting and reported that the district budget had been achieved by taking £2 million out of overheads, with further savings of £1 million to be achieved in the future. Increases in parking charges will also contribute to maintaining the Council Tax at the same level as last year.
A further new house bonus of £666 will be available to the Parish Council ideally to be used for a community project in the parish. In addition funding up to £4000 is available from the Jubilee Fund for Voluntary and Community organisations. 98% of the council funds in Icelandic banks had been or would soon be recovered.
He again promised to pursue the footway issue in light of the correspondence received from County Councillor Walsh and would add what support he could.
Miss Frost queried the money spent on the Open Spaces Survey as it was uncertain of their origin, funding or purpose.
The meeting began at 8.18pm