Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 23rd March 2017

23rd March 2017


Thursday March 23, 2017 in the Village Hall


Part Time:

Members of the Public:

  • Mr Dan Haagman

The meeting started at 8.00 pm


    County Councillor Simon Walsh


    County Councillor Walsh sent a written report that had been circulated prior to the meeting.

  3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held Thursday February 9th, 2017

    These were agreed to be an accurate account of the meeting and signed


    Not covered elsewhere. There were none.


    It was noted that the three barn conversions at Ruses Farm had been approved.

    Mr Haagman addressed the meeting explaining the reasons behind his proposed development at Boytons. It would give him an opportunity to downsize to a smaller and more eco-friendly building. After some discussion, it was agreed that, although there were some reservations, there were no real grounds for opposing the development and the following comments would be passed onto Uttlesford Planning:

    Boyntons – Hempstead Parish Council is always reluctant to see properties split up and relatively new buildings change their use. However, the council could see no reason to object to the plans as stated.

    The Parish Council would like to be assured that no new accesses are made onto the lane and all tracks, rights of way etc. are maintained and no new ones established.

    The next application was for a retrospective endorsement on the development of a garage into living accommodation at Thyme Cottage. This had been carried out despite the original application having been turned down. The Council were unanimous in condemning residents using this tactic to circumvent the planning process. Apart from being unfair to all those who do apply correctly it sets a precedent for others to do the same. The following comments were agreed to be sent to the planning department

    Thyme Cottage – The Hempstead Parish Council is implacably opposed to the route of retrospective applications. It circumvents all the normal processes to which others have to adhere.

    This development was previously refused but has progressed regardless. However, if permission was to be granted they would like to be assured that the work carried out conforms to the building standards prevailing today rather than those in place when the work was done.

    Additionally, provisos should be made so that the development is not sold separately to the main property.


    Celebration of Footway Completion – The clerk had contacted Alastair Walters, Press, Radio, Police, County Councillors and members of the Highways Panel. Mrs Scott and Mrs McNeill would organise the catering.

    The footway project had taken a prominent place at a recent Essex Highways Briefing session..

    David Drane Report – There has been no progress on restoration of the damage on the minor roads around the village caused by inappropriate traffic usage due to poor signage during the second phase of work on the footway project. Mr Drane had been chasing the matter but to no avail.

    Road Safety Schemes – There was still no news or clarification on the status of the proposed schemes sent to the Local Highways panel. Mr Welbourn and the Clerk had sent emails but no replies had been received to date.

    The clerk reported on a petition to Parliament that was being organised to ask for a reduction in the speed limit of 60mph that exists on many single track rural roads.


    Radwinter Parish Council had contacted the Clerk asking if Hempstead Parish Council were contemplating producing a neighbourhood plan. This had been discussed some time ago and it was agreed that it was still the case that it was not under consideration.


    Harvey Way – The clerk had replied to Mrs Haylock’s email concerning litter at Harvey Way outlining the action taken after Colin Dyer’s visit to a Council meeting. The clerk also reported that Mr Dyer had told him that the situation in Harvey Way had improved recently.

    Flooding – Mr Sladen reported that he was happy with the work done at Anser Corner but he was awaiting a report from Chris Stoneham. Further action was needed along the High Street where drains were blocked and water seeping out of the ground.

    Trees at Wellyard – The occupants of Brookside had written expressing their thanks for the felling of the dangerous trees near to their cottage.

    Pond Bench – Mrs Scott agreed to chase up the reinstatement of this item.


    Broadband; Although County Broadband had installed their equipment on the church tower, there did not seem to have been any effort to contact potential customers.

    Village of the Year competition: Mr Weedon agreed to send in the forms for this competition.


    It had been agreed at a recent meeting that the planned playground equipment would occupy an area in the top left hand corner of The Glebe. The area would be approximately 20 metres square. There would be an opportunity for residents to inspect the plans on Saturday 25th February prior to the children’s disco.

    The AGM of the Village Hall was held on Thursday 9th March and was well attended. Russ Wide was elected Chairman and Diana Frost Secretary


    Barclays had paid £100 compensation for the appalling service received during the closing of the Council’s accounts. It was agreed that this should be paid into Parish accounts and then be paid as overtime to the Clerk for the many extra hours spent in resolving the problems.

    It was agreed to adhere to the new Clark’s salary scales that come effect from April 2017. Standing orders would set up accordingly.


    The new bank was working well and the first batch of payments and one standing order had been verified on line after being circulated to all councillors. These were confirmed as agreed expenditure

    Authorisations by Internet Banking 1
    Date Ref No. Payee Details Payment £ Authorisers
    23/03/2017 UNITY 1 HMRC PAYE 475PZ00259146 149.76 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 2 Radwinter P.C. Green Waste Skip 374 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 3 B D Kitchen Monthly Standing Order 80 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 4 Martyn Long Clerks Annual Expenses 440 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 5 John Sladen(Ridgeons) Post/Concrete for life belt 7.78 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 6 B D Kitchen Missed monthly payment 80 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 7 Martyn Long Missed monthly payment 147.96 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY 10 Stop Stansted Expansion Membership 25 JS/NM
    23/03/2017 UNITY11 Essex Heritage Membership 25 JS/NM

    It was agreed that payments would be made to:

    Chas Johnson Tree Felling at Wellyards £1200
    Martyn Long Clerk’s Overtime £100 (from Barclays Compensation)
    Donation to Essex and Herts Air Ambulance £50
    Donation to Home Start £50 (when bank details received)

    The following standing Orders were agreed and would be set up:

    Martyn Long Clerk’s Monthly Salary £153.28
    HMRC Monthly PAYE £38.32


    An email from Tricia Ridgeway was noted that updated the council on the activity of the Community Speedwatch Group. The Council were grateful for her continuing efforts. More volunteers were needed to maintain their activities.

    Also noted was an email from Inspector Mike Couldridge outlining the Essex Police Active Citizen Scheme to improve community engagement in rural areas.

FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays: April 20 and May 18 in the Village Hall at 8pm. The Annual Village Assembly would be on Friday 19th May at 8pm
The June Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 22nd June

The meeting ended at 9.30