Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 24th October 2006

24th October 2006

The Council met in the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 October 2006 at 8.15pm




    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    • Distribution of Ambo
      Miss Frost reported that someone had been found to deliver in the vacated area
    • Trees Obscuring View Of Church Tower
      Mr Haylock had asked Ben Smeedon (Uttlesford District Council) to review the relevant trees, preferably in leaf. He would chase up.– Action DH
    • Speed Activated Signs
      Mr McCarthy met with Chris Stoneham (Highways Dept, Essex County Council) for an initial site review to assess the possibility of a speed activated sign within the village. Mr Stoneham felt that there were possibly three sites where the sign could be rotated and the cost could be incorporated in the speed reduction plans that have already been approved for next year. The Council are in agreement in principal with the proposed sites. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Stoneham to confirm this agreement and ask that we progress further. (Mr McCarthy also asked Mr Stoneham to remind Mr Felgate of the out-standing issues – railing painting, kerbing, and triangle refurbishment.)– Action CD
    • Local Works Literature
      Since the last meeting the councillors had all read the literature from Local Agenda 21 and after a lively discussion it was decided that the Clerk should advise that the Council wish to be kept informed of the campaign.– Action CD
    • Business Cards
      Miss Frost had ordered 250 business cards and had already distributed some to the estate agents in Saffron Walden, asking them to put the village website address on house details for Hempstead.

    CPRE Request for support to influence East of England Plan – Clerk to complete attached postcard as discussed.– Action CD
    RCCE Notification of change of address
    UDC Letter advising next election date at 3 May 2007 together with a timetable and reminder to budget for election costs.
    Cambridgeshire County Council
    Peterborough City Council
    Further information on Minerals and Waste Plan.


    Mr Sladen had contacted RCCE as requested, to obtain further information on providers of acoustic cladding. Subsequently another firm had made an inspection and a further quote was due shortly. Once received, a meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee would make a final decision.

    Mr Sladen reported from the AGM that there was an operating deficit for the year to 30 September 2006 and that a fund raising event was a possibility. Mr Sladen also handed over an audited copy of the accounts for 2004/05.


    Paperwork had been received from Aon but it was felt practical to obtain an alternative public liability insurance quote before the next renewal. Carried forward to May 2007.

    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    S McCarthy Chairman’s Allowance £25.00
    S & J Basham Grass cutting £900.00

    The cheque for grass cutting issued in June was not given to Mr Basham as we were awaiting an invoice. This cheque has now been cancelled and the invoice (and payment) is included above.

    A discussion on the cost of grass cutting ensued and various alternatives to the existing contractor were suggested. It was finally decided that the existing contractor had provided a loyal and cost effective service to the Council for many years and represented fair value for money.


    Mrs Midgley had attended a meeting regarding play areas. (Mr McCarthy had heard the same talk at a Parish Liaison meeting). There was the possibility of obtaining Big Lottery funds for large projects in the District. Following discussion, Mrs Midgley offered to draft a questionnaire aimed at village children and their parents/carers to establish the direction of our future plans.– Action AM

    Mrs Midgley would also complete the questionnaire sent from UDC regarding play areas within Uttlesford.– Action AM


    Robin Wallbank (Essex County Council) had replied to our complaint about the poor cutting programme this year. He requested up to date Rights of Way and paths information – including names, numbers, meterage, cutting priority etc Miss Frost, with the help of Mr Haylock, had compiled an extensive list providing a priority listing of those paths needing 2 cuts a year together with the relevant meterage. These spreadsheets have been sent to Mr Wallbank together with a covering letter, which also reminded him of the work due on The Chase. Mr McCarthy congratulated Miss Frost and Mr Haylock for their hard work in compiling this information.

    The P3 submission is due in January and further work needs to be done on the meterage – Miss Frost will pursue. The training courses offered were considered but none were felt to be necessary.– Action DF

    Mrs Grimster had reported to Mr McCarthy that there had been no movement on the footpath review. She added that the County Council was in the midst of major reorganisation and significant redundancies were taking place. She will chase up next week.


    Miss Frost reported that the autumn show report was now on the site.


    • Moss’s Farm – UTT/1912/05/FUL – Planning permission was granted on appeal.


    Mr McCarthy thanked Mr Haylock (and his team) for repairing the leak at the fountain.


    Vicki Hughes, Noise Communication Manager at Stansted Airport had suggested to a local resident that she would be interested in attending a parish council meeting to give an insight to the noise issues in relation to the airport. The January meeting was suggested and everyone was asked to consider some questions that could be sent to Ms Hughes in advance. The Clerk to arrange.– Action CD

    The dates of the next meetings are 23 November, 19 December 2006 and 18 January 2007.

    The meeting closed at 9:50pm.