The Parish Council meeting opened at 8pm
Mr John Sladen
County Councillor Simon Walsh
District Councillor Simon Howell
County Councillor Walsh had sent in a report that had been circulated. Additionally, he had sent in his Annual Report in anticipation of the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting.
Subject to two minor corrections these were passed as a true record of the meeting.
There were none not covered elsewhere
Oak House, Bumpstead Rd: Mr Welbourn declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. The plans for an extension were not seen to cause any problems so no comments would be passed to Uttlesford District Council.
Turpins Cart Lodge: This had been approved subject to the use of the prescribed materials despite Parish Council objections.
No further information had been seen from UDC concerning the substantial structure being built in front of the building line at Fairview.
David Drane said that there had been some improvement in the amount of Highways work being done in the area. The entrance to Harvey had been re-laid and was a great improvement. Other work had been promised including another repair of the problems at Bridgefoot in Radwinter.
Fly Tipping was on the increase and Mr Drane reminded the Council that anyone could use the contact number to report it.
Muddy Byway: Mr Welbourn alerted the Council to the poor condition of the By-way between Wincelow Hall Road and Boblows. The tree lined section was particularly bad and was impassable to all but four-wheel drive vehicles which had caused the problems in the first place by insensitive overuse. He knew that there had been instances where byways with similar problems had been closed for the wettest winter months. The Council acknowledged the problem and Mr Welbourn agreed to pursue the problem by writing to County Councillor Walsh.
Local Highways Panel: The budget for the panel had been greatly reduced. So, the two schemes that affect Hempstead; Deer signage (put forward by Radwinter) and the buffer 40mph zone towards Boytons Lane were unlikely to be funded.
Flooding: Mr Sladen had a successful meeting with members of Essex Highways and it had been agreed to jet the drains in the areas of concern to investigate the problems within 3 weeks.
It had been reported that a tree had been removed at Amboise without planning permission. T he latter is necessary as it is within the conservation Area. Mr McCarthy agreed to remind residents via a note in the newsletter of the legality of the situation.
Village Sign: The Clerk had tried to contact Mr Simmonds but had not had a reply. He agreed to chase this and the issue of the plinth at the top of the sign.
The Clerk circulated the re-calculation of his salary with the effect of the increase of hours from four to five per week as previously agreed on 22/11/17 minute No 82. This would necessitate the renewal of the standing orders for the salary and HMRC/PAYE.
Standing Orders for 2018/9
M.Long, Salary |
£191.54 |
B Kitchen, Website |
£80.00 |
£47.88 |
Village Hall Management Committee, Play Area |
£2000.00 |
Essex Association of Local Councils, Subscription |
£134.46 |
These payments and Standing Orders were all on the website ready for authorisation and the Clerk asked that this happen speedily before the end of the month. Mrs McNeill and Mr McCarthy agreed to undertake this task.
Mr Long reported that good progress had been made om construction of the Play Area. He had agreed a slight alteration to layout to maintain a compact layout.
Mr McCarthy explained that negotiations were still underway on the provision of Wifi for the Village Hall. He reminded the meeting that the Council had agreed a start-up grant of £200 towards the service.
It was also planned to update the heating system without replacing the boiler.
FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays May 31st and June 28th at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Annual Parish Assembly was planned for Friday June 1st.
The meeting ended at 8.45 pm