Before the meeting the Chairman welcomed the County and District Councillors and the members of the public. Councillor Howell explained his dissatisfaction with the consultation process and assessment of needs for possible Gypsy and Traveller sites in Uttlesford. The appraisal document with reference to the local site was flawed containing inaccuracies on several issues. He urged the Parish Council to keep up the pressure with more letter writing. This should be reflected across all three local parishes as the site was equidistant from all three village centres.
Mr Kemp a tenant at the Anso Corner site explained that he had spoken to the executors there was a possibility that a sale of the site could be imminent that could mean that the site was removed from the list of potential locations.
This was acknowledged as potentially good news but as the outcome was not yet certain Councillor Howell said that he was holding back on an article for the Ambo. Other ideas were forthcoming from the other two members of the public concerning use of a barrister and looking closely at the document for errors.
It was agreed to keep the matter under close scrutiny until the situation was clearer and then plan further action.
The three members of the public left and the Chairman thanked them for their attendance and interest.
Councillor Walsh spoke about the Footway project that was showing more optimistic signs though some issues requiring home owners to indemnify the County Council against damage were causing difficulty. Councillor Walsh said that he would try to persuade those responsible to withdraw the clause.
Miss Frost mentioned the poor state of road signs and the need for them to be cleaned. The water problem at the bottom of Church Hill had been solved by local volunteers on clean-up day after many attempts to get the County Council to investigate.
The Chairman thanked the Councillors for their attendance, they left the meeting and the Parish Council Meeting opened at 8.50 pm.