Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 30th October 2014

30th October 2014

Thursday October 30, 2014 at 8pm

Part Time:


Before the meeting the Chairman welcomed the County and District Councillors and the members of the public. Councillor Howell explained his dissatisfaction with the consultation process and assessment of needs for possible Gypsy and Traveller sites in Uttlesford. The appraisal document with reference to the local site was flawed containing inaccuracies on several issues. He urged the Parish Council to keep up the pressure with more letter writing. This should be reflected across all three local parishes as the site was equidistant from all three village centres.

Mr Kemp a tenant at the Anso Corner site explained that he had spoken to the executors there was a possibility that a sale of the site could be imminent that could mean that the site was removed from the list of potential locations.

This was acknowledged as potentially good news but as the outcome was not yet certain Councillor Howell said that he was holding back on an article for the Ambo. Other ideas were forthcoming from the other two members of the public concerning use of a barrister and looking closely at the document for errors.

It was agreed to keep the matter under close scrutiny until the situation was clearer and then plan further action.

The three members of the public left and the Chairman thanked them for their attendance and interest.

Councillor Walsh spoke about the Footway project that was showing more optimistic signs though some issues requiring home owners to indemnify the County Council against damage were causing difficulty. Councillor Walsh said that he would try to persuade those responsible to withdraw the clause.

Miss Frost mentioned the poor state of road signs and the need for them to be cleaned. The water problem at the bottom of Church Hill had been solved by local volunteers on clean-up day after many attempts to get the County Council to investigate.

The Chairman thanked the Councillors for their attendance, they left the meeting and the Parish Council Meeting opened at 8.50 pm.


    The Minutes of the 4th September meeting were approved.


    Mr Haylock had written to the Clerk re-iterating his belief that he should not have been asked to leave the meeting as the Chairman had stayed in the meeting in similar circumstances. This occurred during a discussion prior to the Parish Council meeting with Hastoe Housing Association and the RCCE. They, to a certain extent controlled the agenda and more sites emerged unexpectedly, though they were in areas of the village already deemed unsuitable in discussions on the Local Development Plan. The Chairman agreed that on reflection he should have left the meeting so that all participants were treated equitably and said that he would write personally to Mr Haylock and apologise.

    It was agreed that there were no other issues arising that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda


    Details of applications for Fanes Cottage and Blagdens House that had been submitted. These had been circulated and no comments deemed necessary.


    Radwinter Pre-School
    – The council discussed the letter from this group asking for financial support to enable them to stay open this year with the prospect of increased numbers in the future. This would require a Section 137 grant and would have to be spread over two financial years to stay within the limits for those grants. It was agreed to offer £500 this year and review the situation at the start of the new financial year in April. The clerk would write to them but one of the conditions would be the return of any surplus money in the event of the group closing.

    Data Protection
    – It was agreed to sign the EALC consent form giving consent to use photographs from the village website


    Outstanding Issues
    Mr Drane reported that he was still chasing issues that affected the village such as potholes and signpost particularly on Anso Road. Several areas of concern have been marked and action was awaited.

    Footway Project
    The Chairman had received details that indicated that the project was moving ahead, though some of the legal issues discussed earlier were of concern

    No substantial progress had been made at either Brookside or Thatch Cottage. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the owners concerned giving them 21 days’ notice to remedy the situation otherwise the Parish Council would contact Essex County Council to inspect and if necessary cut and subsequently the owners would be charged.


    Mr Sladen reported that the area at Anso Corner that had flooded last year had been cleared. The tree blocking the ditch and pipe at the rear of Fanes Cottage had also been cleared.

    He had also called out the Water Regulation Officer after a complaint from Anser Gallows Farm about the flooding in the road outside their property. The flooding along Anso Road was also discussed. Mr Sladen was thanked for his efforts in pursuing these matters.

    Pond Refurbishment
    John Jossaume had still not given a quote.

    Miss Frost had received quotes from Chas Johnson and Malcolm Cox for tree work behind the pond. It was agreed that the work should be shared between the two contractors

    Telephone Kiosk
    It was agreed that the clerk would contact BT about refurbishing the kiosk as there was still some usage and the mobile telephone signal within the village is poor and the kiosk has not been re-decorated in many years.

    Bus Shelter
    Mr Sladen agreed to repair the Bus Shelter window at some future date.


    The budget was discussed and it was agreed that the precept should be increased by £500. More was being spent on maintenance. Fewer volunteers were coming forward to support the dwindling band of those turning up for lean-ud. Additionally support to the Pre-School Group would probably continue next year.

    Cheques were signed to: Julian Basham grass cutting £450, Stop Stansted Expansion £25 and The Bluebell (Mr Sean McCarthy) £39.90 Clean-up day refreshments.

    Outside the meeting on 25th August: Harry Luff second footpath cut £292.04 Also the cheque for £850 to the Village Hall Management Committee had to be reissued on this date.


    Mr Haylock had indicated that he would not be participating in the headland management scheme but gates and stiles had been ordered after a meeting with Adam Jenkins. The second cut of footpaths was now imminent.


    Miss Frost hoped to attend the broadband meeting organised by UALC.

    She also informed the council that Brian Kitchen had produced a four page manual of essential information on the website and a copy would be lodged with the clerk.


    At the AGM a loss of £500 had been reported but increased fundraising was planned. An example was the forthcoming bazaar. The tree on the edge of the car park was still to be felled.

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays November 27, December 18 and January 16 all at 8pm in the Village Hall

The meeting closed at 10:16 pm