Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 3rd July 2014

3rd July 2014

Notes from meeting July 3rd. As not quorate no decisions were possible this is for information only.

Part Time:



  • Affordable Housing

    As the councillors present were also the working group for Affordable Housing the current situation was discussed and ways forward planned. Mr McCarthy had talked to Hastoes, the preferred partner and discussed the situation with John Lefevre.
    Mrs Scott said that the two landowners of three potential sites had been approached and one had asked for time to decide. Other possibilities were mentioned though landowners would have to be approached.
    Miss Frost mentioned the Affordable housing event that she had attended and updated the group with some useful issues.
    Mr McCarthy had mentioned that the Council had always agreed a figure of a maximum of ten new houses and the survey had identified a need for at least four properties.
    The next step would be a meeting with Hastoe’s architect to look at the viability of sites in the village. The working group and Ms Groborz agreed that this should be arranged as soon as possible.
    Ms Groborz explained that there would have to be a Community Awareness Event to update the residents of the village and get their views.
    Various other completed schemes and the implications of various alternatives were discussed.

  • Planning

    It was noted that UDC planning dept had opened a file on Hempstead House access and office in barn to investigate their legality.

  • Correspondence

    Copies of Clerk’s letter to Chris Handy to Mr McCarthy and Mr Haagman

  • Village Hall

    It was noted that that the Management Committee had agreed to the removal of the boundary tree in the car park at a cost of £650 one third each VHMC, Owner of adjoining property and subject to agreement, the Parish Council.

  • Highways

    Rissa Long’s email indicating land would have to be acquired at The Cobb was discussed. Mr McCarthy had already spoken to Mr and Mrs Hamm and obtained their consent as they had anticipated this situation.
    No one from the village attended the Local Highway Panel meeting as the date changed yet again.

  • Environment

    Miss Frost is liaising with cycle clubs about their usage of roads in the district. Nothing constructive has yet emerged from Mr Sladen’ contact with Lucy Shepherd about the persistent flooding at Wash Cottage.
    Emergency action had to be taken to make the overhanging tree in Wellyard safe.
    Barry Wright had completed the ecological survey of the village in anticipation of the refurbishment. Though rich in wildlife no protected species were identified that would hinder the work going ahead.

  • Finance

    Cheques, which would have to be approved at the next council meeting were signed as follows: Chas Johnson Emergency Tree work at Wellyard £150
    HMRC PAYE for JULY Julian Basham 2 Invoices £600 Subscriptions for CPRE and RCCE
    Sage UK (Software) would now have to be paid monthly
    Financial Regulations would be discussed at the next proper meeting

  • Village Jobs

    Maintenance issues: Notice boards, Bus Shelter, Pond Refurbishment Progress Grant Application Mark Halls Response

    DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays August 7 & September 4 both at 8pm in the Village Hall. A provisional date of 30th October was pencilled as there were difficulties finding a date earlier in October.

    The meeting ended at 9.50pm.