Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 4th September 2014

4th September 2014

Thursday September 4 2014 at 8pm

Part Time:


Before the meeting the Chairman welcomed the County and District Councillors, Moira Groborz (RCCE) and Ulrike Maccariello for Hastoe Housing Association.

County Councillor Walsh explained some of the delays on the footway project were due to legal issues that were now with Essex Legal Service. The Parish Council hoped that they fared better than the re-registration of the village green issue that was still outstanding. Councillor Walsh promised to chase the issue. Rissa Long had given a projected start date of mid to late October, though there would be at least seven days of heavy disruption to the middle of the village. Councillor Walsh urged the Parish Council to press for the money to complete the project when the next tranche of finance became available to the Local Highways Panel in November. He also said the speeding issue should be pursued for next year as future changes may jeopardise the availability of money. The Parish council were relieved that there was some forward progress albeit slowly.

The issue of Roadside hedges were discussed. Councillor Walsh said that the landowners had the primary responsibility and should be approached. If after two letters and 21 days then Essex Highways can be contacted for further action. He informed the council that Highways responsibility had been split between Councillor Rodney Bass (Strategic Issues) and Councillor Eddie Johnson(Maintenance).

District Councillor Howell reported some cabinet changes and updated the council on Saffron Walden development issues and the attendant infrastructure implications. The Gypsy and Traveller site appraisal by Essex County Council had identified some need for sites in Uttlesford. The next step would be for Uttlesford to plan the number of pitches. He did not think the Anso Corner site was at all viable.

He reported delay to the recycling changes due to a judicial review and delays at the Basildon plant. He promised to find out more information.

The Chairman thanked both the Councillors for their updates and they left the meeting at 8.42.

There was then a discussion with Ms Groborz and Ms Maccariello on the progress of the Affordable Housing Project. Mr Drane declared an interest and left the meeting. Mr Haylock also subsequently left.

The architect from Parsons and Whitely had looked at sites with members of the Parish Council Affordable Housing group and submitted a report. The Chairman expressed his concern that it could waste everyone’s time if too many sites were submitted. Ms Maccariello explained that the search for sites has to be as comprehensive as possible to avoid any later concerns or challenges raised about fairness. The report was circulated showing 11possible sites and the problem was that only 2 sites were at all acceptable to the Parish Council. Sites in Church Road were not considered in keeping with the environment of the village and some landowners did not want some other suitable sites put forward. The Chairman summed up the Parish Council view that a high level of support from the village was desirable, though it was unrealistic to expect 100% support. It was explained that various stages of public consultation would have to be arranged and the residents would have opportunities to make their views felt at a Public Meeting.

The next stage is for Ms Maccariello to consult with the District Council for their comments on the report which she would share with the Parish Council.

The Chairman thanked them for their attendance, they left the meeting and The Parish Council Meeting opened at 9.16 pm.


    The Minutes of the 7th August meeting were approved and it was agreed that there were no issues arising that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


    The application for Mill Cottage had been re-submitted and in due course the full plans would be circulated for councillor’s comments.


    Reply from Essex County Council
    – A letter had been received following the Clerk’s letter to the Chairman of ECC. An update on the re-registration of the village green had been promised by Essex County Council Customer Operations.

    Community Agents
    – had contacted the clerk and it was agreed that the clerk should invite them to a future meeting.


    Outstanding Issues
    Mr Drane said that although some work had been done he was still chasing issues that affected the village particularly the Anso Corner gullies.

    Footway Project
    As the Chairman and clerk could not attend it was agreed that Miss Frost would attend the Local Highways Panel and at this stage express the Parish Council’s thanks that the project did seem to be moving forward.

    As Autumn and winter is the best time for hedge cutting it was agreed to pursue this issue. The clerk would write to Tim Sills concerning the hedges on the left as approaching the village from Steeple Bumpstead direction, particularly around the speed limit sign. The latter was casing difficulties for the Community Speedwatch.


    Mr Sladen had received an email from David Chapman saying that he had referred the issues causing flooding at Wash Cottage to Essex Highways Department for action. Sandbags had now been delivered, though in plastic bags separate from the hessian bags. It would be made clear on the Newsletter that if any properties wanted a stock they should contact the clerk.

    Pond Refurbishment
    John Jossaume had visited but not yet given a quote. He is going to quote for some extra details as well. The fencing and landing stage also need repairing. It was also agreed that Miss Frost should ask Chas Johnson and a contractor from Sampford, Malcolm Cox for quotes for tree work behind the pond. Probably not all of this work would be covered by the budget and grant. There was agreement that the Parish Council should use surplus assets that are building to beyond Government recommended levels.

    Grass Cutting
    Miss Frost asked if the clerk could contact Julian Basham re cutting the recently cleared strip along the side of the Glebe. Additionally more grass cutting may be necessary around in the pond area after refurbishment.

    Telephone Kiosk
    It was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting when more facts were known. Meanwhile the clerk would contact Clavering Parish Council who seemed to have done a good job refurbishing their kiosk.

    Clean Up Day
    It was agreed that this should be on 25th October


    Cheques were signed for the following: Sage Software (Whole year), £60, R D Haylock & Sons £370.80 (First footpath Cut), J Basham £300 (Grasscutting) and HMRC (PAYE) £36.80 Sept. and 36.80 Oct.


    Miss Frost had a useful meeting with Adam Jenkins from Essex Highways (PROW). The following issues were agreed. He would write to John Parret asking for the footpath signage to be updated. A works order would be raised for new planks to be installed on Footpath 30 as well as planks and a bridge and handrail on the footpath behind Fanes Cottage. The meeting also identified a fallen tree on Mr Haylock’s in that area that needs moving. Headland Management are also seeking a meeting with Mr Haylock. The other issue discussed was the change of stiles to kissing gates wherever possible on the most used routes around the village. The entrances would first have to be registered and the gates would cost about £75 each. Miss Frost said that it had been a productive meeting.


    Mr Haylock wanted it recorded that he considered that he did not ought to have been asked to leave the earlier discussion, as although he could be seen to have an interest, the matter had already been settled and would not further his interests. As discussed earlier the council will now await the results of the meeting of Hastoes with the District Council and a Public Meeting will follow.


    It was noted that one of the trees on the boundary of the Village Hall car park had been removed and the other would follow shortly. The clearance work of the edge of The Glebe had also been completed.

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays October 30, November 27 and December 18 all at 8pm in the Village Hall

The meeting closed at 10:16 pm