were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
Mr Haylock reported that he had investigated a position for the dog litter bin to be erected – on footpath 86 on the slope up from Anso Road to the field. He would arrange for the bin to be installed once the ground has softened. – Action DH
Mrs Scott had purchased 3 picking tools and 3 high visibility vests. IT WAS AGREED that Mr McCarthy would put a note in the newsletter that these were now available if residents wished to make use of them. They would be stored at Fridays, Church Hill.
list of winners in Best Kept Village competition – St Andrew’s Hempstead was awarded Highly Commended Merit and a further certificate received – this was passed to Mr Weedon for display in the church. – Action AW
- Suffolk Acre
request from Zurich for more information regarding BT claim; Clerk had replied. – Action CD
email and leaflets regarding “Changing Essex” containing surveys relating to budget setting – copies distributed and email circulated for online links. – Action CD
- North Uttlesford Community Forum
no meeting since last report
- Parish Planning Workshop
no meeting since last report.
- West Essex Area Forum
no meeting attended since last report
- Walden in Transition
no meeting attended since last report
PC Lark had updated Mr Sladen when sending her apologies. Mr Sladen reported that some of the restrictive orders have come to an end. This may be why a number of incidents have been recently been reported. Mr McCarthy will discuss the recent incidents with PC Lark as soon as possible to ensure there is no escalation. A letter had been received from ECC, Highways regarding illegal use of Bridleway 58 and requesting the Parish Council’s assistance. – Action SM
Village Green Issues
Mr Haylock still to arrange appointment for Mr McCarthy to sign a declaration before the Commissioner of Oaths. – Action DH
Renewal paperwork from Suffolk Acre had been received; the Clerk had asked for a 1% increase in property values and asked that this be done automatically each year. A 10% reduction in premium had been negotiated by Suffolk Acre for three or five year undertakings. Following discussion, IT WAS AGREED to pay the 5 year undertaking premium which meant that providing cover requested remained unchanged the premium would remain at £504.82 for the next five years (with the exception of any Government change to insurance premium tax rates). It was understood that this premium would not be affected by any claims made on the policy.
The following accounts were approved for payment and a cheques drawn up:
Uttlesford Assoc of Local Councils |
Annual subscription |
£25.00 |
Suffolk Acre |
Annual Insurance renewal |
£504.82 |
Mrs S Scott |
Litter Picking Tools and Vests |
£78.50 |
Mr McCarthy reported that Lambert Smith Hampton had seen all residents along the B1054 who wished to have a meeting and no major issues had arisen. It is anticipated that the four land transfers required for the path would be completed this year.
Mr Drane reported that the resurfacing of a section of the B1054 had been completed. He was now chasing resurfacing of the B1053 from Anso Corner to the junction with the B1054. The posts along Anso Road were to be replaced shortly. Despite Ray Curtis, ECC Highways, moving on, Mr Drane was keeping on top of the current issues.
Community Speed Watch – a email newsletter had been received which was circulated to the Parish Council and Mr Tupman
Mr Drane was in the process of completing the stile licence paperwork and would discuss with Miss Frost when completed. An email from ECC had been received regarding West Area Byway Management Programme 2011/12 highlighting Hempstead byways 53 and 8 for consideration.
Following on from Miss Frost’s meeting with Shirley Clayton-Anglin, Mr Haylock reported that Adam Jenkins will be contacting him shortly to assist with the administration of the Headland Management Scheme.
- War Memorial Surround
Mr McCarthy confirmed that the work should be starting on this project within the next few weeks. Mr McCarthy will order the slabs and sleepers once the exact date is known. – Action SM
- Drinking Fountain
the final work has now been completed and an invoice is anticipated.
The dog litter bin that previously was located near the bus shelter needs to be re-sited. Mr Haylock will consider an appropriate location near where footpath 86 meets Anso Road. – Action DH
Website – nothing to report.
Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 August 2010.
Lisa Lipscombe, District Emergency Planning Officer, UDC had requested that all emergency plans be reviewed within the next 6 months as a number of telephone numbers had changed. Mr Sladen reported that the next review meeting was scheduled for November.
- UTT/1803/08/FUL – Lakehouse Farm
no decision to date
- Enforcement Notice ENF/170/09/B – Anso Corner
tyres dumped in ditch
- UTT/1041/10/FUL – Spitlands Barn
erection of swimming pool outbuilding – no objections, awaiting decision
- UTT/1102/10/FUL – Prentices Farm
rear extension – no objections, awaiting decision
- UTT/1165/10/FUL – Barn opposite Wincelow Hall, Wincelow Hall Road
no objections, awaiting decision
The Clerk had written to UDC to request an investigation into the lake that has apparently been built at The Barn without planning permission and had received a request for more information. This was discussed and the Clerk will send a reply. – Action CD
Mr Sladen and Mr Cockman will shortly be carrying out a review of the village hall premises. – Action JS
Mr McCarthy reported that the Clerk had tendered her resignation which he had reluctantly accepted. Three months notice has been given and hopefully someone will be in place before the end of October. Mr McCarthy would prefer to have a local person and has put a note in the village newsletter to this effect. EALC had been contacted with regard to advertising the position and the possibility of a locum clerk if necessary.
Future meeting dates – Thursday 2 September, Thursday 7 October and Thursday 4 November 2010.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.