Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 5th February 2009

5th February 2009

The Council met in the Village Hall on Thursday 5 February 2009 at 8.00pm


Also Present:

  • A member of the public


  • Cllr Simon Walsh, County Councillor

    were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


    from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.

    there were none


    Essex County Council (ECC) reminder of consultation period ending re Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy for Schools and Colleges

    • North Uttlesford Community Forum
      no meeting since last report
    • Parish Planning Workshop
      no meeting since last report
    • West Essex Area Forum
      no attendance at last meeting possible

    Common Land Issues – Miss Frost had obtained the title number for the land in question and then acquired the registration document containing the full specification and ownership details, being the Haylock family. Miss Frost had subsequently spoken to Lloyd Simpson (Legal and Registration Services, ECC) with regard to his assertion that the land belonged to Hempstead Parish Council (HPC). His opinion was that in 1965 all parish councils were asked to identify common land and title and then all untitled pieces of land were made over to the parish councils. In 1982 further confirmation of parish council ownership was also established. Mr Simpson believes that maybe what happened when Mr Haylock gained title of the relevant piece of land, the Land Registry did not go back to ECC to check the ownership. Miss Frost had advised Mr Haylock of the relevant Land Registry documents and fee calculator he needs to use to affect the transfer of the title back to HPC without the use of solicitors. Fees
    incurred by Mr Haylock should be reclaimed by Mr Haylock directly from the Land Registry as they appear to have made the initial error. Mr Haylock reiterated that he had had no desire to purloin the land if it was not rightfully his. – Action DH

    The Clerk was asked to contact Lloyd Simpson at ECC to obtain updated documentation of all common land registered to HPC. – Action CD

    Neighbourhood Action Panels (NAP) – The Clerk had the contact details of the newly appointed Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) for Great Sampford. The Clerk of Radwinter PC had replied that the PC were still waiting to meet their NWC and requested further information, which the Clerk had supplied. The Clerk was asked to contact Sgt Mike Ashton, Neighbourhood Sergeant to arrange a meeting for all concerned. – Action CD

    Dog Litter Bin Replacement – The Clerk had contacted UDC who were unable to supply a bin in the near future but did suggest that HPC purchase the bin and confirmed that once reinstated the bin would be added once more to the emptying round. The Clerk provided details of Fido 25 from Glasdon at a cost of £84.24 plus VAT. The Clerk had a 10% discount voucher which could be used against this. The Clerk was asked to order a red bin together with a steel band fixing kit (at £11.97 plus VAT) and Mr Sladen confirmed that once received, he would install it. – Action CD/JS


    Miss Frost had obtained a credit note in full from AV Engineering.

    Miss Frost had asked that the Clerk chase the remaining payment due from P3 in respect of the invoice submitted in December. (Post Meeting Note: ECC sent BACS remittance 10 February) – Action CD

    The finalised budget had been distributed by the Clerk and this was formally approved.

    The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:

    Miss Frost Land Registry fees, copying and purchase of paper for map copying £20.23

    Mr McCarthy set out the position with regard to constitution of the Village Hall dated 29 October 2003 stating that the PC were custodian trustees of the Village Hall and the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) were the Managing Trustees. Following discussion, the Constitution of the Village Hall dated 29 October 2003 was formally recognised by the Parish Council. Following on from this it was agreed that the funds from the sale of the land to Mill Cottage together with interest received thereon should be set aside in a separate account with authorisation for any use to come from the VHMC. The Clerk was asked to arrange the setting up of this account. – Action CD

    Mr Sladen reported that the VHMC had decided to replace the chairs and curtains in the village hall and would be looking for funding. A larger shed was also needed.


    Mr McCarthy had tried to get an update from Iain Hurwood, ECC but he was currently out of the office – Mr McCarthy will try again. Progress with other highways matters was also stalled – Mr McCarthy to chase. – Action SM/SM

    The Clerk had contacted Adam Pipe to establish the progress of our application in the Community Speed Watch programme. It transpires the administration of this has passed to Georgie Davis who has promised to give Hempstead priority when funding becomes available. The Clerk was asked to contact her again at the end of March when they can arrange for training to be given to the CSW team. Mr McCarthy will liaise with interested residents. – Action CD/SM

    The PC has received a number of verbal complaints and one written complaint regarding the restricted view for vehicles emerging from the bottom of Church Hill and turning on to the High Street. The Clerk was asked to contact the residents of Waterloo Cottage and ask them to significantly cut back the hedge to improve the sight line. The Clerk was also asked to contact the residents of Hill Cottage to ask them to cut back their hedge along Hill Road which was appreciably overgrown. – Action CD/CD

    Mr Sladen asked that the Clerk contact Highways to ask for the drains to be unblocked along Anso Road as the road was becoming incredibly dangerous. – Action CD


    Re-alignment scheme
    The Clerk had chased the outstanding payment in respect of the realignment. Miss Frost had completed the free-hand map of the new path layout and sent it to Ordinance Survey for consideration of licensing. Mr Haylock was asked to make a final check on the accuracy of the map and various suggestions were made following the Council’s review of the A3 photocopy. – Action CD/DH

    Miss Frost had a meeting arranged with the contractor to discuss the current footpath meterage to be cut this summer in order that the P3 application can be submitted before end of March. – Action DF/DF


    • Drinking Fountain
      Mr Haylock had asked the contractor to check all connections when the base was lifted.
    • Backdrop to War Memorial
    • Village Sign
      Carried forward

    Website – a review/update is underway
    Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 February 2009
    FOIA Publication Scheme – The amended table had been circulated and was duly approved. The Clerk was asked to arrange lamination of two copies, one for each of the noticeboards.Action – CD


    Mr Haylock still awaited a report from the Environment Agency. It was noted that the resident at Firs Cottage had cleared the banks of the stream between Firs Cottage and Post Office Cottage. The Clerk was asked to thank him. Mr Sladen noted that a meeting was due soon of the Emergency Planning Committee. – Action DH/CD


    • UTT/1803/08/FUL – Lakehouse Farm
      at Development Control Meeting on 4 February
    • UTT/1883/08/FUL – Highbanks, Bumpstead Road
      no decision to date
    • UTT/0052/09/FUL & UTT/0054/09/LB – Anser Gallow Farm
      Erection of garden room – currently in circulation
    • Barn on Anso Road
      farm equipment is leaving a lot of mud on road causing dangerous conditions. The Clerk was asked to write to the farmer to ask for road cleaning as necessary. – Action CD

    nothing to report.

    Future meeting dates – Thursday 5 March, Thursday 2 April and Thursday 7 May 2009.

    The meeting closed at 9.50pm.