Hempstead in Essex
Resting place of William Harvey and Sir Eliab Harvey and birthplace of Dick Turpin

Parish Council Minutes 5th June 2014

5th June 2014

Thursday June 5 2014 8pm
The Parish Council met in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm.


Part Time:


  • District Councillor Simon Howell

Prior to the meeting Mr Dan Haagman talked to the council about issues he had concerning local reaction to helicopter flights to his property on Boytons Lane. He outlined the measures that he was taking to alleviate any distress including not flying over the village, attempting to avoid places that might cause disruption to animals. He admitted that on the first landing the pilot had behaved inconsiderately and against his wishes. He had apologised and would ensure that no similar instances occur. He was closely studying all the issues and trying his best to act considerately.

The Council agreed that, as discussed previously, he is acting within the law and all regulations and good practice guidelines. He is also trying to ameliorate the effects by warning of intended flight activities and engage with those affected.

They thanked Mr Haagman for his frankness.

The Parish Council meeting was opened at 8.27 pm.


    held Thursday May 8, 2014 were agreed as a correct record


    There were none, not covered elsewhere.


    The planning application for work on The Old Bakery had been circulated and no councillors considered it necessary to make formal comments to Uttlesford.

    The reason for refusal of plans at Mill Cottage was discussed. It was thought to be due to car parking issues. It was also noted that the boundary was in agreement with the Village Hall Management committee who would be addressing this and the issue of the boundary tree that was causing problems to both parties with the owner.


    Helicopters: Having heard Mr Haagman’s side of the issue it was agreed that the clerk should write to Mrs Handy who had emailed the Chairman on several occasions concerning Helicopter Flights.


    Pedestrian Footway
    It was noted the date of the next Highways meeting had been changed from 2nd June to 30th June. The Chairman regretted that he could not make this. It was agreed that the clerk should send a letter to the Road Safety Committee encouraging attendance and asking for Richard Crane to be prepared to speak if necessary.

    Speed Limits
    The Chairman said that he spoke to Mr Welbourne after the Annual Meeting and further explained comments that he had made at the meeting that the Council was reluctant to address the issue with the Highways Panel whilst the footway project was not yet underway. It was a concern of many people at the Annual Meeting and the Council are keen to address this and the issue when appropriate.

    In light of comments made at the Annual Parish Meeting it was agreed that there was a problem. The over-growing hedges exacerbated the tendency of vehicles to use the centre of the road whilst trying to avoid wing mirror damage. It was pointed out that hedges should be clear of the edge of the road. It was agreed to address this problem, starting by writing about the issue in the newsletter. The Council also noted their gratitude to home owners who had speedily addressed the issue after the meeting.

    Mr. David Drane
    reported that he was keeping up his email pursuit of all the highway issues with only limited success. The VASI speed indication sign had been fixed. The Harvey Way potholes had been logged not yet repaired.

    Issues from the Annual Meeting
    Mud on Wincelow Road was discussed and left in the hands of Mr Haylock to deal with. Deer had been mentioned as a problem and it was agreed to see how many warning signs were in place around the village.


    Water Leak & Village Green Re-registration
    It was agreed that the clerk should chase theses long outstanding issues, if necessary bringing them to the attention of the leader of Essex County Council.

    Pond and Fountain Area
    It was agreed that before proceeding with the pond planning, a wildlife survey should be done to ensure that there was minimum disturbance to the natural habitat. Miss Frost agreed to contact Barry Wright to carry out the work.

    The regular flooding at Wash Cottage was discussed and the council agreed that action was needed to support the owner. Mr Sladen, who had attended a meeting on this topic of village representatives, agreed to take up the case with Lucy Shepherd who was co-ordinating Essex response to flooding.


    Cheques were signed to
    HMRC for PAYE April, May and June £36.75 per month Brian Kitchen: £100 for History Archive work funded by the donation by Mrs Slee.

    An unpresented cheque
    was discussed and it was agreed that the best way forward was for the clerk to contact Mr Smith and ask him to confirm that he wanted the cheque cancelled.

    Financial Regulations
    It was noted that these would not need to be comprehensively changed. Mr Cockman had advised that a lot of the changes were for larger councils. A simple updating, particularly concerning PAYE would suffice.

    Buffer Account
    The Clerk confirmed that this had been closed and £1700 sent to the reserve account and £1212.3 sent to the current account. The high level of reserves were also briefly discussed and noted for attention during the budget setting.

    Annual Finance and Audit Statement
    were signed


    Simon Bolton had agreed to re-varnish the village notice boards. Mark Halls had not yet looked at the paving area around the pond and would also be asked to quote for the side window of the bus shelter.


    Miss Frost reported that Harry Luff the council contractor was due to cut footpaths on June 14th and 15th. She had received a complaint about bridges with broken planks in the direction of Holbrook Wood and would investigate to ascertain if they were within the parish.


    The working group had been in contact with some owners of possible sites and been in touch with Moira Groborz of the Rural Community Council of Essex.


    The Website and Newsletter continue to run smoothly. The Annual Parish meeting had been very well attended and some important issues discussed as mentioned previously.

DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS – Thursdays July 3, August 7 and September 4 all at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 10.05 pm