Were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda
- Ring of Trees
Following Ben Smeedon’s report that the old elms were unsafe it was AGREED that Mr Haylock would obtain a quote from the tree surgeons to remove them. A quote for pollarding the limes in the Ring of Trees of £240 was AGREED and Mr Haylock would arrange this as well. It was noted that some of the old wood should be left following the removal of the trees to retain the insect life in the area.– Action DH
- Footpaths
The sub-committee meeting resolved the footpath changes into six packages and letters were being sent to the relevant land owners to request financial support as appropriate.– Action MG
- North Area Panel Meeting Report
Mr McCarthy reported the objective of Panel Meeting was to obtain input and guidance from local organisations, however, only panel members can vote. This first meeting was rather chaotic but it was felt that future meetings would be more structured with a question and answer session, and a proper agenda. The main issues discussed were the use of wheelie bins for refuse collection and air quality in Saffron Walden. Minutes of the meeting are on the UDC website. Mr McCarthy will report following the next meeting.
The first draft of the annual report had been circulated by email and it was recommended that an upbeat, positive approach was to be reinforced and full details of all outside meetings, training courses etc should be included. A further fuller draft was to be emailed by the clerk to all councillors for comment.– Action CD
Minutes of last year’s Annual Assembly are to be emailed to all councillors for comment. When finalised will be posted on website and attached to the monthly newsletter.– Action CD
A date for the annual assembly was set for 19 May 2006.
Society of Local Council Clerks had sent a notice for membership renewal. It was AGREED that the clerk should be a member.
Subscription renewal for Essex Heritage Society was AGREED.
A letter of thanks for the donation of £20 has been received from WRVS.
A letter from Peterborough Land Registry office regarding voluntary registration of land will be circulated for discussion at the next meeting.– Action ALL
Miss Frost had prepared a draft expenditure account relating to web site expenses and it was AGREED that Brian Kitchen and Helen Philip be requested to supply invoices for expenses and time costs totalling £150 and £100 respectively. It was also AGREED to purchase Adobe Acrobat software for £215 + VAT.– Action DF
The following receipts had been banked:
Bartram Services Ltd |
Pond path refurbishment |
£668.00 |
2006 Subscription |
£64.00 |
Essex Heritage Trust |
2006 Subscription |
£15.00 |
UTT/1924/05/FUL – Highways Verge High Street Hempstead CB10 2PE (Installation of 8m mock telegraph pole with ground based equipment cabinet by Orange PCS Ltd) – written refusal has now been received.
UTT/1912/05/FUL -Moss’s Farm – permission refused.
Sonia Church (Traffic Engineer at ECC Highways and Transportation) – site meeting still to take place (postponed twice due to other commitments).
The earlier presentation of P3 by Lisa Cross was reviewed and it was AGREED that the parish would join with effect from April 2006. Miss Frost will read the literature provided and complete the application form. In the first year our involvement may be reduced but full advantage will be taken of training courses etc and once UDC brings all paths to the required standard then volunteer maintenance etc can take place.– Action DF
It was noted that Mr Allan has resigned as Co-ordinator due to ill health. A replacement would be recruited as soon as possible.
The clerk was requested to contact the respective co-ordinators in both Great Sampford and Radwinter to exchange copies of village emergency plans.– Action CD
Entry forms had been received, Miss Frost was asked to send the detail to Mr McCarthy, who would compile them for later discussion with Miss Frost.– Action DF/SM
There was nothing to report
Mr McCarthy mentioned a couple of quiz nights coming up. In sending his apologies, Cllr Walsh requested our views regarding the new runway proposal. The consultation documents have just been circulated and a response from the Parish Council will be drawn up – a copy will be sent to Cllr Walsh.– Action CD
The dates of the next meetings are 9 March, 6 April and 16 May 2006.
The meeting closed at 10.30pm.