were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.
- Drinking Fountain
Mr Haylock had tried to contact Corrie Newells, to chase her report but unfortunately she is currently off work ill. She had however sent a photo of the fountain after the previous refurbishment – this will be useful when reinstating the tiled roof. Mr Haylock will continue to follow this up.– Action DH
- Mr Haylock had written to Sir Alan Haselhurst MP regarding our concerns with the Government’s Planning White Paper.
Bus Route Review – Service 118 School Days – information received |
Standards Board |
request for confirmation of adoption of Code of Conduct – Clerk to reply– Action CD |
- North Area Panel – 18 October
Mr McCarthy attended – Cllr Hume answered highways questions from the floor. These well-run meetings will concentrate on one major issue each time in future to avoid digression.
- Parish Liaison Meeting
no meeting since last report – next meeting 12 December.
- West Essex Area Forum
no meeting since last report – Miss Frost reported that our request for inclusion in the agenda had been accepted for the meeting on 28 November, at which Cllr Hume will be taking questions. A ten minute presentation needs to be put together, but Miss Frost will liaise with Mr McCarthy following his site meeting with Cllr Hume on 8 November. – Action DF/SM
Following discussion, Mr Weedon was asked to bring to the next meeting some catalogues showing various posts and chain that can replace that around the War Memorial and be put around the opposite corner and to tie in with that already in situ at the Ring of Trees. The manner of erecting the posts also needs to be considered. Mr Haylock will provide Mr Weedon with a photo of the drinking fountain to give an idea of what may be used there. Miss Frost will send Mr Weedon details of relevant website. – Action AW/DH/DF
In the light of current legislation it was recognised that the roles of Responsible Financial Officer and Proper Officer needed to be determined. IT WAS DECIDED that the Clerk be formerly appointed and this motion was tabled by Mr Thomas and seconded by Mr Sladen.
A schedule of expenses to date and anticipated expenses will be circulated by the Clerk to all councillors for discussion at the next meeting in order that a budget for 2007/08 can be set.– Action ALL
The following accounts were approved for payment under Section 137 and cheques drawn up:
Mr S McCarthy |
Village Clean Up Refreshments |
£24.65 |
Royal British Legion |
Poppy Wreath for Remembrance Day Service |
£20.00 |
Footway Mr McCarthy will be having a site meeting with Cllr Hume and Cllr Walsh on 8 November.– Action SM
Kerbing – at Ring of Trees Mr Haylock reported that Mike Felgate (ECC) hoped that this work would be completed by mid-November.– Action DH
Speed limit extensions Letter from Chris Stoneham (ECC) confirming police support for these extensions. However, the criteria from Dept for Transport is changing, but it is hoped that the go-ahead on this scheme will be given to avoid further delays. Mr Stoneham anticipates implementation in 2008/09 Locally Determined Programme.
VASI Signs Chris Stoneham also confirmed that a second VASI would be provided shortly. The posts for these have been erected.
Access to Harvey Way on going.
Replacement of slipways on Anso Road Mr Thomas to liaise with Mr Stoneham.– Action AT
Miss Frost reported that the bank of the duck pond near Church Farm together with the posts and chains were in poor condition and also that the ivy was very overgrown on some of the trees along Wellyards. Mr Thomas will review both items and report at next meeting.– Action AT
It was noted that the Braintree District Council sign had been moved along the B1054.
The water leaking at the bottom of Church Hill had not been sorted out and Mr Weedon was asked to call the Water Board (again) to chase this up.– Action AW
David Forkin, West Area Highways Manager, ECC, was unable to attend the November and December meetings but the Clerk will advise the forthcoming dates.– Action CD
carried forward.
Miss Frost had eventually received a very detailed response from Robin Wallbank, ECC, but this contained no real reasons for the poor cutting service this year and no indication of how it was going to be operated next year. However, the request to opt out of the path cutting programme was turned down.
Miss Frost received the final invoice and would now submit the payment application to P3 for the 2007 works. She has started the process of putting together next year’s programme.– Action DF
Mr McCarthy reported that Maggie Cox (UDC) said that the realignment scheme was currently with the Map Manager at ECC and she hoped that the advertisements would come out shortly.
Website Miss Frost had received some content from Mr Bannister regarding the church. She also reported that the Gardeners Club section was being revamped.
Newsletter deadline 20 November.
High Street Flooding Mr Sladen reported on the progress by the residents of the work being carried out and will continue to monitor the situation, particularly in regard to the recommendations contained in the recent Flood Report. The stream from behind Firs House to Firs Cottage and from Church Hill through to Anso Corner has been cleared of debris. Mr Sladen will also contact Cllr John Jowers to see if there were any grants available for flood defence work.– Action JS
UTT/1784/07/FUL & UTT/1785/07/FUL – Field 2527, Erection of Agricultural Store and Stables Concern was expressed regarding the height of the store and the access to the property on a very dangerous bend of the B1054. Clerk to write accordingly.– Action CD
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Ms Sally Phillips was co-opted as Parish Councillor and signed the Notice of Co-option. Clerk will obtain Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Register of Members’ interests for completion and submission to UDC within 28 days.– Action CD
The dates of the next meetings are 13 December 2007, 9 January 2008 and 7 February 2008.
The meeting closed at 10pm.