Before the meeting District Councillor Simon Howell addressed the Parish Council indicating that he was still talking to people about the footway issue and giving support where he is able. He was pleased to hear about the Community Speed Watch and even offered to volunteer if numbers dropped off.
At district level, progress was difficult on all fronts with constant budget cuts and little advance warning from government as to how much would be allocated to local government. An example was housing benefits, the smaller budget means only pensioners and the disabled would be eligible. No working people could be supported.
The Local Development Framework goes forward. Land usage would cascade downwards from larger to smaller settlements. The difficulty of developing the larger sites such as Saffron Walden and the ensuing infrastructure problems were discussed. The SIACO site was brought up by the council as an eyesore and Councillor Howell said that it was awaiting the finalisation of the Local Development Framework when it would be zoned for housing. Another issue raised was the likelihood of a bypass to ease the effect of the new housing in the town.
Miss Frost said the there seemed to be a mismatch between the Central Government’s desire to speed up planning and the sometimes overzealous attention to detail exhibited by local planners. Councillor Howell explained that this may sometimes be due to protection the historic centres of settlements as conservation areas but he agreed the process did need to speed up.
Waste and recycling moving from five to four day schedule was a change of culture that was gradually being worked through and the changes were mostly being successfully implemented.
Councillor Howell left the meeting and The Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 8.30 pm