were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda
- Path at Pond
Miss Frost confirmed that Bartram Services Ltd had been contracted to do this work but would wait for a suitable break in the winter weather to avoid deterioration of the concrete in the event of frost. Miss Frost will monitor the situation.– Action DF
- Ring of Trees
Mr Haylock stated that the pollarding of the limes in the Ring of Trees would be undertaken imminently. A message had been left for Mr Ben Smeedon at Uttlesford District Council to contact Mr Haylock regarding the safety of the old elms in the Ring of Trees – this had not yet occurred and Mr Haylock will chase this up. The costing of chains and posts was still outstanding.– Action CD/DH
- Footpaths
Mr Haylock had received a letter from Gordon Hands that only showed objection to 6 path changes, the majority of which were insignificant. Mr Haylock would now arrange a meeting of the footpaths sub-committee to progress matters before the end of December. It was agreed to write to landowners with the reasons for objections – Mr Haylock to advise the clerk accordingly. Mr Haylock would also contact Gary White in order to pursue matters.– Action CD/DH
A few suggestions had been received for enhancing the Newcomers Pack – Miss Frost agreed to select some relevant information from the base Parish Review document she previously created. Mr Thomas agreed to pull together a brief village history from Anglo Saxon times, highlighting people and places of interest. This may be included in the Newcomers Pack in due course as well as on the website. The revised Newcomers Pack would be reviewed at the next meeting. The village statistics collected by Mr Weedon would be added to the Parish Review document.– Action DF
The Annual Report would be a summary of events of 2005/06. The first draft to be reviewed at the January meeting.
The format of the next Annual Assembly was discussed. The following sequence was agreed:
- Welcome
- Last Meeting’s Minutes – no need to be read as these would be posted on the website, distributed with the Annual Report as well as being available on the night – therefore just need to be taken as read and approved.
- Financial Report – a brief report highlighting salient points – unaudited accounts for the year would be distributed at the meeting.
- Annual Report – This would concentrate on the main activities of the Council during the previous year.
- County Councillor’s Report – maximum 5 minutes
- District Councillor’s Report – maximum 5 minutes
- Post It Note Session – legible, anonymous, non-personal comment about what parishioners like/dislike about the village on two different colour post it notes. The Council will use these to plan future activity where change can be facilitated.
- Question & Answer Session – to discuss only those issues that can be influenced by the Council.
Post It note session etc will be advertised before Assembly to encourage attendance.
Figures to date were reviewed and discussion ensued regarding potential expenditure in 2006/07. IT WAS AGREED to retain the level of parish precept as 2005/06. The Chairman signed the official request and the clerk will forward it to UDC.– Action CD
Parish Plan Information Pack had been received from the RCCE – it was decided to review the matter of a parish plan in mid-2006.
Essex Police Authority had requested feedback with regard to the proposals for national restructuring of police forces. Unfortunately, the timescale was very tight and so a round the table discussion was not possible before submission of a reply. However, individual review of the specific proposals relating to Essex Police Authority resulted in a brief reply being submitted before the deadline. It was hoped, by the police authority, that further consultation would be possible in the near future.
A letter had been received from the WRVS requesting the best time for them to appeal for donations. It was AGREED to send a donation of £20 now. A further request for a donation to the Saffron Walden Community Cinema was turned down.
Miss Frost reported that Helen Philip had completed the Dreamweaver software course and had found it very useful. Mrs Philip’s expenses were still outstanding. The biggest issue with regard to the website was the lack of items being submitted for inclusion.– Action CD
The following account were presented for payment and a cheque drawn up:
UTT/1912/05/FUL – Moss’s Farm, Anso Road – No objections were raised.– Action CD
UTT/1924/05/FUL – Highways Verge High Street Hempstead CB10 2PE (Installation of 8m mock telegraph pole with ground based equipment cabinet by Orange PCS Ltd) – The Council remained totally opposed to the proposal and is investigating the most effective way to respond. A local resident, who is a solicitor, has volunteered his services and Mr McCarthy has requested him to establish the following in the first instance:– Action SM
- the status of the land
- what legal rights the Parish Council have over the land
- what planning arguments can be used to show strong opposition.
The clerk confirmed that a request had been made to West Area Highways for “Beware of Wildlife” signs and she will monitor the pursuance of this matter.– Action CD
It was noted that a mobile speed-monitoring device was currently in use in Radwinter. The clerk was asked to submit a request to Paul Hardy at West Area Highways for use of this device in Hempstead as soon as possible.– Action CD
ECC Winter Service Leaflets were distributed.
A complaint had been received regarding parking at Mill House Cottages – it was considered this was not a Parish Council problem.
Mr Thomas reported that John Whitehead had stated that the proposed second runway had been shelved for ten years, as it was conditional on the expansion of the M11 between Stansted and Cambridge, which had now been refused.
- Parish Liaison Meeting – Mr McCarthy and Mr Sladen had attended this meeting which included a number of very interesting presentations. It was noted that UDC were in favour of parish plans and would look to include them, as appropriate, in planning criteria in future. The presentation regarding Youth Forums was particularly interesting and Mr McCarthy will investigate the possibility of inviting Nick Edwards to a future meeting to discuss what he has achieved in Henham.– Action SM
The next Parish Liaison meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7 March 2006.
- Neighbourhood Watch – Miss Frost and Mr Sladen had a meeting with Mr Allan to confirm the role of co-ordinator. Further clarification of a number of points were requested of the Steering Committee by Miss Frost with little result. It was confirmed that Mr Allan would meet the main police contact at Saffron Walden Police Station after his return from holidays. He would also contact Grace Simmons, the Radwinter Watch Co-ordinator and report back to the Chairman by mid-January. It was decided that Mr McCarthy would be the Council’s Neighbourhood Watch liaison officer. The clerk would reply to the Steering Committee to this effect and confirm Mr Allan as the village co-ordinator.– Action CD
The dates of the next meetings are 5 January, 9 February and 9 March 2006.
The meeting closed at 10.25pm.