were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
from previous Minutes, not dealt with in the main agenda.
- Drinking Fountain
Mr Haylock had received from Corrie Newells a very comprehensive restoration report on the drinking fountain. Mr Haylock was asked to obtain 2 or 3 quotes based on this brief.– Action DH
- Police Activity
Mr Thomas reported that there had been an attempted break in at a local stables to which the police were called. Additionally, they were also made aware of a public nuisance matter of deliberate noise making when horses pass along the road.
- Number 18 Bus
Mr Sladen reported that a resident was unhappy about where this bus is stopping but this appears to have been resolved with Essex County Council (ECC).
- Community Speed Watch
the Clerk had contacted Adam Pipe, who was obtaining further external funding to accommodate new locations and will be in touch shortly.
Information re National Awards 2008 |
Information re Dog Control Orders – Clerk to ask for The Glebe to be added to “Fouling of Land by Dogs”– Action CD |
invitation to meeting 21 February re East of England update |
Essex County Council |
invitation to Civic Service – 17 April – Mr Weedon may attend– Action AW |
Sir Alan Haselhurst MP |
invitation to Development Meeting – 13 March – clashes with annual village event – Mr McCarthy will see if a resident will be able to attend as Hempstead representative– Action SM |
10 Downing St Petition |
email link to reply from Prime Minister’s Office re Stansted expansion |
email link to local performance framework papers |
- North Area Panel
no meeting since last report – next meeting 25 February
- Parish Liaison Meeting
no meeting since last report
- West Essex Area Forum
no one had been able to attend meeting on 28 January – Miss Frost will obtain minutes to advise council in due course– Action DF
Mr Weedon presented the quotation for the work on the chain and posts and confirmed that Mr Mercer (associate of Mr Borders) was nearing completion of the off-site work and anticipates completion of the work in the week ending 15 February. Mr Chas Johnson will be approached to pollard the willows at the back of the War Memorial – Mr Haylock will confirm with Mr Smeedon, UDC Planning Dept. – Action SM/DH
The Clerk is still to contact HM Revenue and Customs regarding employer status.– Action CD
A rationalised version of the standing orders has been distributed to all for review before in depth discussion at the next meeting so that Standing Orders can be adopted in the new year. Ms Phillips is to be added to the bank mandate.– Action ALL
The Clerk reported that despite clear instructions being given to the bank with regard to the alteration of standing order payments an error had occurred.– Action CD
The Clerk has spoken to a bank representative to ensure the correct information is now on their records and will repay the overpayment.– Action CD
The Clerk was asked to send a copy of the budget to all for review at the next meeting.– Action CD
The following cheques had been received and paid in:
Way leave payment 2008 |
£27.50 |
P3 reimbursement |
£1050.00 |
The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques drawn up:
Electronic Standing Orders |
£14.98 |
Essex Heritage Trust |
Subscription |
£15.00 |
Ms Frost |
Postage re Newsletter |
£4.08 |
Footway No further information received.
VASI Signs The second sign was now installed
Speed limit extensions Confirmation had been received that the 100m extensions to the 30-mph zones would be advertised in the local papers in the week ended 8 February
Access to Harvey Way Refurbishment of the kerbing had been completed and almost immediately was run over by the truck doing the rubbish collection. The Clerk was asked to make a formal complaint to ECC and ask them to come and repair the damage caused.– Action CD
Replacement of slipways on Anso Road on going
Railings at Church Farm Duck Pond on going
Road works on B1054 These had been further delayed and were now due to start on 11 February. Mr Thomas will request a protected footway around part of the triangle for the duration of the road works. Ms Frost expressed concern for the verges – to be monitored.– Action AT
carried forward
Ms Phillips reported that she had spoken to Simon Fenn, ECC about a “mobile youth club” – she will establish further information. Discussion of how to ascertain opinion resulted in Ms Phillips agreeing to draft a questionnaire aimed at children including the suggestion of the possibility of a brief meeting at the village hall.– Action SP
Cutting Programme Ms Frost has not received any updates on the 2008 cutting programme plans, despite two requests.
Realignment of PRoWs Mr Haylock had spoken to Maggie Cox who was completing the orders for advertising. Volunteer help in putting orders on posts would speed the process.
P3 Distribution of the P3 reimbursement will be carried out at the next meeting.
Spring Walk Ms Frost had received a query regarding way markers from Sue Halstead, who also expressed an interest in arranging a Spring Walk. This would be promoted via the newsletter etc as appropriate.
Website fully updated
Newsletter next newsletter deadline 20 February. Note to be added re dogs to be kept under control on fields
High Street Flooding Mr Sladen had been unable to contact Phil Hunt regarding installing a gully opposite Firs Cottage. He reported that the two heavy rain showers in January had tested the current drainage quite well. Discussions were on going following the recommendations after the flooding in June 2007.
UTT/1926/07/FUL – Quail Cottage – Refused contrary to the aims of Uttlesford Local Plan Policy S7 and Supplementary Planning Document, “Replacement Dwellings”. The Local Planning Authority considered that the proposed dwelling would be significantly larger than the existing building whilst being more intrusive in the countryside and offering no offsetting visual gain or character. It is therefore considered to be harmful to the aims of adopted policy and guidance.
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
The dates of the next meetings are (8pm) Thursday 6 March, (8pm) Thursday 3 April and (8.15pm) Thursday 1 May 2008.