held Thursday 7 February were agreed as a correct record.
There were none not covered elsewhere
Anso Corner Farm
Mr Sladen declared an interest in this item and did not take part in the ensuing discussion. The details of the reply from Hanna Hayden, Planning Policy Officer which had been previously circulated were discussed. It was considered an inadequate response particularly in regard to the issue of the lateness of the application being received for inclusion in the list of possible Gypsy and Traveller sites. It was agreed that the clerk should write expressing this view and indicating that the Parish Council would be seeking legal advice on this point.
Superfast Broadband
It was agreed that the clerk would invite the Broadband team to a future Parish Council meeting.
County Councillor Simon Walsh’s Report
This had previously been circulated and was noted
Best Kept Village and Churchyard
application forms were passed to Mr Weedon who would ensure that they were completed.
Village Green
A reply was awaited from Lloyd Simpson of Essex Legal Services.
Ash Tree
No reply had been received from Ben Smeedham of Uttlesford Planning. Miss Frost agreed to contact him. It was also noted that work to remove the overgrown Leylandii at Turpin’s Cottage had begun and had generally improved the aspect of that part of the village.
Bird Scarers
These continued to be a nuisance to many villagers and complaints had continued to be received. It was agree that the Clerk would write to Mr Sills with a copy to David Malt.
Miss Frost had contacted Ron Pridham at Uttlesford District Council concerning two white dustcarts that come through the village three times a day. Their first journey occurs at about 8 am when children are walking down to, or are on the school bus.
Apparently they are taking the waste from refuse collection to a site in Haverhill. They use this highly unsuitable route, in preference to using the more sensible route via the A1307, because it is cheaper and quicker.
Mr Frost registered a formal complaint and it was agreed that the clerk should write on behalf of the council to register their disapproval at this increase in large traffic on what is already acknowledged to be a narrow and dangerous road with no footpath.
Community Speedwatch
It was agreed that the clerk should contact Tricia Ridgeway for an update on activities.
Reported disruption due to excessive riding of motorcycles up and down Harvey Way has continued and it was agreed that the Clerk would inform the police and request some visits.
The Footway Project
There was no perceived progress on this issue. The Chairman agreed to write to Rissa Long when she returned from holiday.
Mr. Drane continues to pursue this issue vigorously. More replies had been received but only served to indicate that Highways Department had been out to carry out ‘robust’ inspections but no immediate action was forthcoming. It was hoped the forthcoming road closure meant that re-surfacing would alleviate some of these problems.
Cheques Signed
To the Clerk a cheque for £607.80
(£400 expenses for the year, Back pay to beginning of the year as agreed at September meeting: £126.80 and 10 hrs overtime in respect of extra work generated by the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site and other issues: £81)
It would be necessary to agree a budget for the financial year 2013/4 at the next meeting. The clerk would circulate details for discussion prior to the meeting.
Still no definite news had been received concerning the 2013 funding for the cutting of footpaths.
An interactive version of the footpath network is now available on the County website. Miss Frost said that it was up to date and a useful addition. She would explore the possibility with Brian Kitchen of putting a link to it from the website.
It was noted that there had been some delays to distribution at the Blagdens end of the village. Mr Weedon said he would speak to those concerned.
Newcomers Packs
It was noted that these were needed for Cuckoo House, 2 Hill Cottages and 4 Longcroft. The clerk agreed to put this in hand.
Annual Report
The report for the Annual Meeting needs to be finalised by 20th April for distribution with the newsletter. It was agreed that a draft should be prepared for discussion at the next Parish Council meeting.
Work had commenced on the patio and was progressing despite some very wet weather.