were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
The insurance issue regarding the reserve graveyard had been raised with Rev Gillian Mann – Mr Weedon was asked to pursue this. – Action AW
When sending his apologies, Cllr Simon Walsh reported on the powers available to restrict vehicle weight on B roads as requested at the Annual Meeting. However, none of them seemed very likely to succeed. Mr McCarthy to report in next newsletter. – Action SM
Mrs Scott reported on her investigation of the costing of high visibility vests and 900mm litter picking tools. IT WAS AGREED that Mrs Scott should order 3 of each. – Action SS
confirmation of diversion of parts of footpaths 46 Hempstead and 11 Great Sampford.
- The Clerk July 2010 issue
Mrs Grimster has written an article “How it all began – the birth of SLCC” which has been published – Clerk to circulate. – Action CD
- North Uttlesford Community Forum
no meeting since last report
- Parish Planning Workshop
no meeting since last report.
- West Essex Area Forum
no meeting attended since last report
- Walden in Transition
no meeting attended since last report
PC Lark had updated Mr McCarthy at a meeting the previous day (due to her being off duty this evening). She was confident that recent problems were behind us and reported that the culprits were subjects of restrictive orders, any breaches of which would result in severe penalties. Further proceedings were still in hand.
Village Green Issues
Mr Haylock stated that a representative would be needed to sign a declaration before the Commissioner of Oaths – Mr McCarthy agreed to do this. A mutually agreeable appointment will be made in due course. Mr Haylock reported that his contact at ECC, Claire Rankin, was on maternity leave but her replacement had supplied him with new forms which he was working through. – Action SM/DH
The following accounts were approved for payment and a cheques drawn up:
PHM Contractors |
1st cut of PRoW |
£1,468.75 |
Annual subscription |
£40.00 |
Annual subscription |
£29.00 |
J Basham |
Grass Cutting |
£300.00 |
The Clerk read the report from the second 2009/10 internal audit recently completed. The Annual Return, duly signed off by the internal auditor, would be submitted to the Audit Commission by the due date. – Action CD
Mr Haylock reported confirmation of the offer of the Community Project Grant from Uttlesford DC in the sum of £937.50. The balance of the cost of the refurbishment of the war memorial would be taken from the reserves held by the Parish Council. Other monies are held in reserve for future special projects, ie the footway along the B1054.
Mr McCarthy reported that funding for the footway will not be available in this financial year due to the current financial crisis in the country. However, funding for the Land Agents is still in place and this will allow the County Council to fund the conveyance of land required for the construction of the path. The relevant residents have been contacted to arrange meetings with the land agents.
Official notification had been received that the resurfacing of Bumpstead Road (B1054) would commence on 21 July. Mr Drane reported that the area beyond Old Post Office cottage would be tidied up in the near future.
Community Speed Watch – nothing to report at this time.
The first cut of the PRoW network had been successfully completed.
Miss Frost had received a letter from Shirley Clayton-Anglin, HT PRoW Officer regarding the Headland Management Scheme which was progressing, albeit with difficulty. There was the possibility of parishes cutting priority footpaths under Service Contract Agreements. Miss Frost is arranging a meeting with Shirley Clayton-Anglin and her colleague to go over the P3 submission and exact locations of the current Hempstead cutting. Mr Drane requested a stile for the footpath that comes out on Coach Road, Miss Frost will pursue. The need for a stile licence was discussed. – Action DF/DF
- War Memorial Surround
Following confirmation of the Community Project Grant IT WAS AGREED that Mr McCarthy would now liaise with the contractor to arrange a start date and order the slabs and sleepers as necessary. Mr Weedon to be advised of start date so that he can be available to identify stones that need to be saved. – Action SM/AW
The dog litter bin that previously was located near the bus shelter needs to be re-sited. Mr Haylock will consider an appropriate location near where footpath 86 meets Anso Road. – Action DH
Website – the Drama Society section is to be reviewed.
Newsletter – next newsletter deadline 20 August 2010.
nothing to report.
- UTT/1803/08/FUL – Lakehouse Farm
no decision to date
- Enforcement Notice ENF/170/09/B – Anso Corner
tyres dumped in ditch
- Enforcement Notice ENF/264/09/B – Harvey House, Hempstead Hall
business being run without planning permission – does not require planning permission – no further action.
- UTT/0702/10/FUL – Barn opposite Wincelow Hall Wincelow Hall Road Hempstead
withdrawn by applicant
- UTT/1041/10/FUL – Spitlands Barn
erection of swimming pool outbuilding – in circulation
- UTT/1102/10/FUL – Prentices Farm
rear extension – in circulation
- UTT/1165/10/FUL – Barn opposite Wincelow Hall, Wincelow Hall Road
in circulation
Discussion ensued regarding the lake that has been built at The Barn without planning permission. The Clerk was asked to write to UDC to request an investigation. – Action CD
outside tap still missing. – Action JS
Future meeting dates – Thursday 5 August, Thursday 2 September and Thursday 7 October 2010.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.