Community Achievement Award: The Chairman presented this award to Councillor Haylock and the council were unanimous in their congratulations as it reflected his valued contributions to the village over very many years.
Before the meeting County Councillor Simon Howell addressed the Parish Council.
He expressed his delight at the decision of the Highways Panel to put £50 000 of this year’s budget towards the footway project. The Chairman pointed out that the reparations to owners of land affected would still need more consideration and he had been pursuing this issue with Rissa Long. She had asked him to get written confirmation of the land donations, then she could get the legal side started. It was considered to be important to have a presence at the next Highways Panel Meeting the date of which was not yet known. (Post Meeting note: Highways Panel Meeting is 29th November at 6.30pm Council Committee room)
There would be some money from the New Homes Bonus to be received by Uttlesford, but as the Government grant is likely to be cut, this bonus may be used to balance the general budget rather than be devolved to individual councillors for distribution. It was hoped not to increase council tax.
The Boundary Commission is proposing changes from 44 to 39 Councillors through redrawing of boundaries. Councillor Howell and the Parish Council hoped that the current local arrangements would not be affected. The Clerk would make this view known to the consultation process.
The problems encountered by modification to the refuse collection were discussed, though locally no problems have occurred.
Councillor Howell was thanked and left the meeting. The Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 8.20 pm